
Thursday, May 16, 2013


Twitter / dbiello: still waiting ...
still waiting … MT @billmckibben: WH promised solar on the roof by spring 2011; I believe it's now spring 2013...
A New Climate Survey Tells Us What? : Collide-a-Scape
[Yale report] Over many years of research, we have consistently found that, on average, Americans view climate change as a threat distant in space and time–a risk that will affect far away places, other species, or future generations more than people here and now.
That. Is. The. Stumbling. Block.
Twitter / BarackObama: Ninety-seven percent of ...
Ninety-seven percent of scientists agree: change is real, man-made and dangerous. Read more:


  1. Didn't Cook just "prove" the number is 34%, with the rest either neutral or in disagreement?

  2. Ninety-seven percent of climate scientist are paid by the government to agree with the Obama admin's political position.

    ANd believe it, if they deviate from the party message even slightly they get fired.

  3. 97% of the things President Obama has said are or should be under judicial investigation.
    -Paul in Sweden

  4. "Stumbling Block"? Stumbling Block of what? I agree it's a stumbling block to a return to life in the 1800s. Collide-a-Scape may call that a Stumbling Block, I call it a Blessing.

  5. 97% of astrologers believe in the signs of the Zodiac, therefore it's real.
