
Saturday, June 01, 2013

"From a thermodynamic perspective, you would have a hard time designing a more greenhouse-gas-intensive activity than skiiing"

Green Weenie of the Week: The Downhill Skiing Industry | Power Line
This deserves a whole case of Green Weenies, along with the buns. My old partner-in-climate-crime Ken Green of the Fraser Institute in Canada beats down as only he can:
Now this is corporate cronyism at its finest: ski resorts and corporations asking for climate change legislation. With respect to my skiing friends…

Skiers use energy to haul mass uphill, only to slide back down hill, over and over again. They fly or drive long distances to get to places that are cold (requiring heated facilities). While there, they consume goods that are hauled long-distances and up hill. The perishable goods have to be refrigerated (think about that for a minute). Virtually everything they wear (and their gear) is made from petroleum. From a thermodynamic perspective, you would have a hard time designing a more greenhouse-gas-intensive activity than skiiing. Vanity space flight, perhaps.

But the companies involved would like some green-washing courtesy of the government

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