
Saturday, June 01, 2013


- Bishop Hill blog - #Greensgobyair
I was amused to see that Tom Nelson picking up on a Twitter hashtag I had used a few days ago when I noticed enviro-lawyer Anthony Hobley heading off to Barcelona. Tom had seen Jonathan Overpeck on his way to China and Time magazine's Bryan Walsh on his way to Las Vegas.

I wonder if the #greensgobyair hashtag might take off. If so, expect to see a great deal of Futerra's Solitaire Townsend, whose addiction to air travel seems hard to kick. In February she visited Vienna and San Francisco. In March it was Brazil. She was back in Brazil at the start of May, noting that customs officers were remarking about her regular visits:
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper finds warming decreases floods
A new paper published in Climate of the Past finds floods are more common during periods of cooling and less frequent during periods of warming, the opposite of the claims of climate alarmists. The paper shows that flooding was more common during the Little Ice Age than during the 20th century or the Medieval Warming Period. The paper adds to many other peer-reviewed publications finding that global warming leads to fewer floods. The authors also find flood frequency is "under orbital and possibly solar control."
Global warming scare coming soon to a senior near you |
While more elderly tend to die during heat waves, the modern proximate cause is lack of air conditioning brought on by, say, making electricity too expensive.
Warmist blames skeptics for Facebook removing cli-fi novel page |
Greg Laden offers no evidence but blames skeptics nonetheless. Says skeptics “bully” people.

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