
Sunday, June 02, 2013


Seeing through the ‘climate scam’ - Ed Berry
Grimsrud should cheer that the climate Borg has assimilated uncountable students and turned them into mindless, eco-freak parrots, who don’t know what they don’t know about climate.

Fortunately, common-sense people see the climate scam for what it is: a government-promoted, atheistic, false religion created to control your life and take your money. They are the ones who will save America for Grimsrud’s grandchildren.
John Lister-Kaye: We should be worried about more than weather - Telegraph
As the coldest spring in 50 years creates havoc in the country, could darker forces also be at work?
Not long before he died, I met that venerable old astro-physicist and former Astronomer Royal, Sir Bernard Lovell FRS, he of the Jodrell Bank telescope, at his Cheshire home. He told me that the fuss we were making about global warming was “laughable” in the context of the planet’s history. Sir Bernard was a man who knew a thing or two about the sun and the Milankovitch Cycle and solar flares, about axial tilt and the precession index, all those tricks on our eccentric path around the sun, which dictate the levels of solar radiation on Earth and are supposed to ordain the measure of our seasons.

It is hard to shrug off the opinion of such a distinguished old scientist, especially one who, at the very end of his long life, was busy planting an oak wood for future generations. “It’s the best thing I can do for the planet,” he said with a wry smile. “Don’t stand about, come and help me.”
Twitter / rdrake98
190 instances of . Steve McIntyre was of course there first (Nov 2011)
Twitter / RichardTol: Set carbon target or face power ...
Set carbon target or face power cuts, says Yeo that does not make any sense

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