Chicago students tell President Obama: stop Keystone XL! |
At each event, I become more confident that there is community that is ready to stop tar sands extraction at any cost.SELWESKI: Climate change fixes cheaper than storm damage? - Daily Tribune
Maybe we should simply label it as a penny-wise environmental maintenance expense.Life In Tornado Alley Below 350 PPM | Real Science
In the 1930s, tornadoes were known to be caused by witches. Experts tell us that they are now caused by Republicans.Gerald Warner: Wind of is change blowing - News -
I’m not being fair though. People in the 1930s didn’t really blame tornadoes on witches. Our society didn’t get that stupid until James Hansen and Al Gore took over the public education curriculum.
THE climate is changing – but not in the style prognosticated by the global warmist fanatics.
As the bottom falls out of the man-made climate change industry, those who were among its most bullish investors at the height of the scam are now covering their positions in a bear market.
Great damage was done to this much-hyped imposture by Climategate (“Hide the decline!”), by the discredited “hockey stick”, by the farce over “melting” Himalayan glaciers and the “decrease” in the polar bear population from 5,000 in 1970 to 25,000 today. Yet what has chiefly discredited the climate change superstition is the basic, inescapable fact that there has been no global warming since 1997.
The official face-saving response is that this is a “pause” in an otherwise menacing trend – a pause of a decade and a half. The warmist fanatics will freeze to death in their solar bunkers before they will admit defeat; but the more worldly wise, especially scientists anxious to preserve a vestige of academic credibility, are now striving to effect a withdrawal in good order.
I left him several encouraging comments, but he could use some help, so everyone please drop in and give him some love!