
Wednesday, June 26, 2013


- Bishop Hill blog - Obama's climate diversion
the sudden interest in climate is odd in itself. So late in his tenure, it's hard to see him as being able to achieve anything very much. Anyone would think he was trying to divert attention from his problems on the civil liberties front.
As Obama heats up rhetoric & executive actions about ‘global warming’, the Earth has been COOLING since 2002 – Climate Depot Reaction to Obama’s Climate Plan | Climate Depot
Statement by Climate Depot’s Marc Morano: “President Obama is still parading his ignorance on climate science, linking bad weather to “global warming”, claiming a mythical 97% consensus, and implying that his executive actions can alter the globe’s temperature and lessen extreme weather events. The President has descended into the realm of medieval witchcraft by claiming he can combat global temperature rises and weather patterns through administrative action. Let the battle begin.”
Articles: New Carbon Regulations, at Greater Cost to America
What Obama seeks, what the left has always sought, is total control of the economy by the state, and "climate change" is a useful pretext. The only way government can control the energy sector -- a sector of the economy traditionally regulated by the states -- is to operate under the pretext of carbon emissions.
Recycle food waste to hit climate change targets, say advisers - Telegraph
Britain is on course to miss 2025 climate change targets unless households start to collect food waste separately, insulate their lofts and drive more efficiently, Government advisers have said.
Twitter / climatebrad: .@SenBlumenthal: "We hate to ...
.@SenBlumenthal: "We hate to think of these storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, as the normal order. But they may be the new normal." #climate
Twitter / justintempler: .@climatebrad I'm in Florida ...
.@climatebrad I'm in Florida haven't seen a damaging hurricane in 8 years If this is new normal, it looks good to me @SenBlumenthal

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