Obama to announce regulation of existing coal plants on Tuesday | JunkScience.com
Obama’s war on coal continues.Twitter / Magda_Skipper
GooglePlex has heated loo seats! [But wait, isn't that an energy-wasting Green Sin that will cause my grandchildren to perish in fiery floods?] How very Japanese... #scifooPrescient: ‘Fallen Angels’ – a1991 satire of climate alarmism | Watts Up With That?
As a new Ice Age imperils the world, a lunatic fringe of the environmental movement has taken control of the U.S. government.Twitter / LizHadly: Is this really what it feels ...
Is this really what it feels like to be at war? Every day, every DAY, more bad news about #climate, #environment, #extinction, #toxins...?Media Fail: John Cook’s Atom Bombs | NoFrakkingConsensus
News stories citing and quoting a single individual (a self-described non-climate-scientist) make declarations about climate change and atomic weapons.1.5C of Warming in 27 years – Mar 1917 to Jan 1944 – Northern Hemisphere | sunshine hours
It was .111C warmer in Jan 1944 than Jan 2013 in the Northern Hemisphere.
Why does the AGW cult ignore this?
The John Cook atom bomb heating story that Donna had seems to be a rehash of an article on Cook's SkepticalScience blog Posted on 16 March 2012 by Glenn Tamblyn