
Saturday, June 01, 2013


PJ Media » Misguided Energy Policy: Alone, Enough to Cause American Failure
[Tom Harris] The only result of a radical change in U.S. energy policy would be one of mass unemployment and millions of Americans joining the billions of people throughout the world already mired in energy poverty. And severe tornadoes and other extreme weather will continue to occur as they always have, with the climatic effect of America’s sacrifice immeasurable in the real world.

Getting American energy policy right will not, by itself, stop the country’s decline. Many problems now weighing you down must be corrected. But following the dangerous approach to energy advocated by Boxer, Whitehouse and other climate propagandists would ensure that the U.S. fails.
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper finds another non-hockey-stick in the Pacific Ocean; cooling over past 7,000 years
A new paper published in Quaternary Science Reviews reconstructs sea surface temperatures over the past 16,000 years and finds that the tropical Pacific has cooled over the past ~7,000 years since the Holocene Climate Optimum. The paper also finds that the frequency and intensity of El Ninos [ENSO] has significantly decreased over the past ~12,000 years, opposite of the claims of climate alarmists. In addition, the paper finds another non-hockey-stick in the North American southwest demonstrating a decrease in both reconstructed temperatures and climate extremes [variability] over the past ~7,000 years.
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: The US fossil-fuel industry is driving a long-term economic boom
The domestic energy industry is booming—and driving a U.S. economic revival
As Hurricane Season Starts, U.S. Facing Heightened Risk | Climate Central
[Andrew Freedman] the last major hurricane to strike the U.S. was Hurricane Wilma in 2005.  [Hey, David Appell--remember when you accused Marc Morano of "outright lying" for making a similar statement?]

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