
Saturday, June 01, 2013

Too funny: When I asked warmist Marshall Shepherd why he says the AGW signal emerged in 1850, while Stephen Schneider said the 1980s, he refuses to answer; tells me to try "publishing your thoughts in peer reviewed journal"

Twitter / tan123

I'm still waiting for your answer: Did the AGW signal emerge in 1850 or the 1980s?

Twitter / DrShepherd2013
@tan123I don't debate numerous theories on twitter, but encourage you to consider publishing your thoughts in peer reviewed journal. thx
Tom Nelson: Serious "settled science" question for Marshall Shepherd
How do you reconcile these two very different statements? If the alleged human-induced warming signal emerged from the noise in 1850, why did Schneider suggest that the signal didn't emerge until 130+ years later?

1 comment:

  1. What's a mere 130yrs between Comrades?
