
Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Brisbane: coldest December day in 123 years | Australian Climate Madness

RealClimate: AGU 2011: Day 2

As is relatively well known, the different satellite instruments over the last 30 or so years have shown a good coherence of variability – especially the solar cycle, but have differed markedly on the absolute value of the TSI (see the figure).

- Bishop Hill blog - UEA's latest wheeze

I recently put an FOI request into UEA asking for minutes of meetings of the Tyndall Centre Advisory Board - readers may remember that Tyndall was involved in the plan to get sceptics cleared from the airwaves, apparently at the instigation of the BBC's Roger Harrabin.

The university's acknowledgement of the request seems to flag fairly clearly how they intend to avoid disclosing anything embarrassing:

If the information you request contains reference to a third party then they may be consulted prior to a decision being taken on whether or not to release the information to you. You will be informed if this is the case.

NGOs: It’s Worse Than We Thought | Watts Up With That?

Six thousand official NGO representatives, including those masquerading as government representatives. Five thousand government delegates. Fifteen hundred media. A thousand mystery contestants, camp followers, and bodyguards. The beauty parlor is filled with sailors, the circus is in town, and the NGO folks outnumber everyone else.

Please, Congress, please, can we defund these climate parties? We’ve spent millions of dollars and burned millions of litres of jet fuel to haul these parasites to their annual party on some lovely tourist beach somewhere, Rio one year, Cancun the next, Bali the next.

IPCC's Dr Rajendra Pachauri: Himalayan glaciers are undoubtedly melting - Telegraph

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