
Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Controversial action by Anthony Watts

Watts has been assisting prominent Warmists to avoid any further releases of their emails. He is trying to disable any Climategate III.

Why on earth would be do that when the Climategate releases have been so helpful to skeptics? It appears to be out of some misguided sense of honour but I suspect that the real motive is that he is tired of being reviled by the climate establishment and is hungry for some praise from them: Deeply regrettable on many levels.

A Swedish blogger who herself finds great holes in the reporting of climate statistics is particilarly upset because she knows how unprincipled and dishonest the climate establishment is. She sees what Watts has done as akin to aiding and abetting criminals in their crime.

Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Just Fooling, We Had No Idea What We Were Doing

Because the last thing a bureaucratic is ever going to say is “we don’t know.”   So they told they public the rail line would have 117 million annual riders, when even an estimate of 5 million is probably high.  Jeff Skilling is in jail for a far less substantial exaggeration of his business prospects.

Biggest emitters to Europe: “You Pay” | Climate Nonconformist

India are the world’s second biggest emitters, therefore the second biggest contributor to the fanciful climate catastrophe. It sounds a lot more like wealth redistribution than a means to combat global warming. 

Influential people are getting the message: Gina Rinehart explains the science of climate change « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Internet is the gift of gifts. How easy would it have been for the government departments, coopted scientists, and obedient media to have gotten away with the outrageous scam of forcing us to pay to change the weather? Their lock on the mainstream media would have made it easy to disguise the truth. And yet, it crumbles (all  bar the Antipodes).

Ordinary People Talk About Global Warming, Fires And Tornadoes | Real Science

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