
Friday, December 09, 2011

Climate of conformity | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog

McKitrick says the main IPCC weakness is that its Bureau (30 bureaucrats elected by the 195-nation Panel, and led by Rajendra Pachauri) plus the 10-member Secretariat, have arbitrary power over the content and conclusions of the IPCC’s Assessment Reports.

Comments On The Global Warming Policy Foundation Report “The BBC and Climate Change: A Triple Betrayal” | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.

Judy Curry has posted

David Whitehouse on Science Journalism

where she discusses their report among other topics. Her summary statement is

When science becomes politicized, we need journalists to be playing a watchdog role and not just parroting the words of scientists and their press releases.

I agree with her conclusion. I also would add that this politicization has permeated the leadership of professional societies including the American Geophysical Union

The EU's climate evangelism has got us nowhere | Sunita Narain | Environment |

Europe must stop trying to bend developing countries to agree to a legal deal in the hope that this will bring the US on board

Twitter / @fionaharvey: The US, China and India no ...

The US, China and India now the only major remaining hold-outs at Durban.

Durban climate change talks - the final day LIVE | Environment |

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