
Friday, December 09, 2011

‘Pingu will die’: children’s perceptions of climate change | the green living blog

When questioned about the future, several children communicated a range of quite extreme answers, with responses ranging from the apocalyptic: ‘the world and everything in it will be destroyed’, to the downright saddening: ‘Pingu will die’. In fact, children appeared most concerned about the future of animals, communicating a fear for their survival that resonated throughout the study.

Doomed UN Climate Summit in Durban Ridiculed as “Science” Crumbles

But even as many scientists say the climate “scam” is unraveling, analysts noted that the vested interests would not be disappearing without a long and hard fight. Researchers on the taxpayer dole, dictators seeking handouts, Western governments looking for new revenue streams, global bureaucrats after more power, and many others all depend on the perpetuation of alarmism.

There are literally trillions of dollars at stake. And if the global-warming crusade publicly implodes, it will all come crashing down. Plus, the next UN scheme will be much harder to market.  

Sleepy Senator Boxer Snoozes through Global... | Gather

The only explanation for California senator Barbara Boxer's recent bizarre accusation that global warming deniers are "endangering humankind" must be narcolepsy. Yesterday an article from The Hill reported that Senator Boxer accused so-called deniers of not facing reality "because the body of evidence is overwhelming and the world's leading scientists agree." Apparently who's not facing reality is sleepy Senator Boxer, at least according to a massive Senate Report released in 2008 and updated in 2009.

A history of scientific alarms | Institute of Public Affairs Australia

Dr Kesten Green lists the 20 most unscientific scares.

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