Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Frustrated warmist David Biello: Latest IPCC report won't tell you anything you don't know if you've been paying attention; it's unlikely to "change a single mind"; "society (meaning governments) just don’t seem to give a damn"

The Climate May Be Changing, but the IPCC Remains the Same - Yahoo! News
This latest IPCC magnum opus isn’t designed to tell you anything you don’t know if you’ve been paying an iota of attention to the problem of climate change. The global warming of surface temperatures has just as good of a chance of being not that bad (plus 1 degree Celsius this century) or terrifyingly bad (plus 5 degrees C by 2100), with something in the middle, as always, most likely.
Nor is this onslaught of facts likely to change a single mind, for that better social science is needed...society (meaning governments) just don’t seem to give a damn.
In the end there is one thing modern society can be quite sure of: we are setting the thermostat for millennia. Some of the CO2 emitted today from fossil fuels will still be wafting around the atmosphere blocking in heat thousands of years from now.

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