Friday, January 30, 2009

Cartoon: How to make an AGW alarmist? | CO2sceptics
Just show them only part of the data!
Carbon Dioxide a "Pollutant"?
The suggested cure for AGW (anthropogenic global warming) is to cut our use of fossil fuels back to levels of 1990. That this will totally disrupt not just our industrial capacity but our personal activities is a given. And what do the global-warming alarmist say we will get in return? Perhaps a decrease in the temperature rise they are forecasting by as much as one-tenth of one degree Celsius by the year 2100. Whoop-de-do. What's going on here?

Carbon dioxide is neither a pollutant nor is it causing global warming. In fact, the increase in carbon dioxide is known to have driven the rise in agricultural efficiency worldwide and accelerate the growth of forests. The carbon dioxide "enemy" is a convenient lie to give control of energy to governments at all levels, including a world government. With control of energy comes control of the entire economy and control of our personal activities. What more could a dictatorship want.
Environmental Capital - : Trade Offs: When Climate Policy Clashes With Trade Policy
Sooner or later, even if Al Gore’s left town, Congress will get around to drafting a climate bill. The problem is that the kind of measures that might make a climate bill pass muster at home could end up sinking it internationally.
Friedkin departs 'Inconvenient' opera: How many people will still believe in Gore's scam by May 2011?
The production, backed by Participant Media, which financed the Oscar-winning Al Gore doc, is still aiming to debut May 11, 2011. Battistelli charged in Milan's Corriere Della Sera that Friedkin bailed "for personal, not artistic reasons." The miffed maestro also claimed Friedkin intended to spotlight flashy special effects over the green message in "Truth."

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