Saturday, January 31, 2009

Gore’s core iced | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
So although the carbon dioxide levels stayed high after past warming periods, the temperatures nevertheless fell. So clearly the carbon dioxide effect was not the main driver of temperatures in the past, to judge by the ice cores that Al Gore used as proof.
Michelle Malkin » My housewarming gift for President Obama
After news of Barack Obama’s cranked-up thermostat eco-hypocrisy came to light this week, I got to thinking. What could we do to help our president? What could we do to show our patriotism, reach across the aisle, and help the White House save energy during these frigid 100 first days?
Did we say we're all going to fry because of global warming?  Sorry, we meant ocean acidification.   We're SUPER serious
It's a problem that got a passing mention in early versions of Al Gore's Inconvenient slide show. Later iterations added a few more slides dealing with the consequences for corals of a changing aquatic habitat. But compare that with more than a dozen slides addressing the threat of increased storm frequency and/or intensity, neither of which is based on science as nearly solid as the link between global warming and ocean acidification.

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