Video: Climate realism in a Texas elementary school; "If there's global warming, there must have been global cooling...follow this logic..."
I'd really like to see Al Gore sitting down on that rug with those kids. He might learn something.WHERE ARE THE “GREEN JOBS”??? « GANGBOX: CONSTRUCTION WORKERS NEWS SERVICE
Though the “win-win” perkiness of the phrase has inspired some media cynicism, “green jobs” is not just a campaign buzzword or a liberal fantasy. Environmentally sound job creation and training is happening right now, all over the country, fueled by the belief that it is possible to solve the climate crisis and put more people to work in better jobs all at the same time. In Sacramento, a costly nuclear plant has been shut down and turned over to solar energy, widely believed to be, among renewable energy industries, the most promising sector for job creation (both in number of jobs and in job quality). As the port in Duluth, Minnesota, has become busier unloading wind turbine parts, more than 100 additional workers have been hired for union jobs paying more than $30 an hour.Poll: Global warming a low priority | Charlottesville Daily Progress
Apollo Alliance activists, in conversation and on the group’s website, love to highlight a green jobs success story: a factory in Memphis that used to manufacture TVs, back when TVs were made in the United States. That factory now makes solar panels, providing hundreds of unionized jobs–just the sort of story, I thought, that would intrigue and inspire Nation readers. Yet when I tried to arrange to visit the plant for this story in late 2008, the company, Sharp Electronics, preferred I stay home; because of the housing bust, business was so slow that there would be no production to see.
However, according to a nationwide survey conducted earlier this month by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, “global warming” ranked last on a list of 20 priorities among 1,500 adults.
Howard Epstein, an associate professor of environmental science at UVa, said issues ranking higher on the Pew list, such as the economy, energy and the environment, all tie to global warming.
“What they’re saying in other ways is that [global warming] is important,” Epstein said.
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