Climate Bill Brings The Largest Tax Increase In History - The Liberty Journal
Call or your representatives NOW and tell them NO to this insane tax increase, that won’t even have the desired effect.China Kills Buyout Of Hummer – 24/7 Wall Street
I believe only a sucker or a fool wouldn’t be able to see that this legislation is simply a scam to increase taxes on a already taxed out population. Anyone who thinks this crazy cap & tax plan will save the world needs their head examined.
It’s all about making the powerful, rich and greedy, more powerful, richer and greedier.
GM wants to sell Hummer. It needs the money. Sichuan Tengzhong, a heavy equipment firm based in China, looked like a ready buyer. GM would like to find an acquirer that would save most of the unit’s jobs. Sichuan Tengzhong seemed to fit that bill.BBC - Climate Change: The Blog of Bloom: Swiss Icarus: I'm flying without ... fossil fuels
Now it appears that the Chinese government has killed any chance of a transaction. According to the AP, it is because the equipment company “lacks expertise to run Hummer.”
Weighing no more than a car, the plane is peppered with enough solar cells (11, 628 to be precise), batteries, motors and propellors to keep it aloft after darkness falls.
No point trying to book a seat yet, however: right now, the HB-SIA can only seat one person, and even then it needs a wingspan of 60-80m, according to the project's website.
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