Boxer’s Reckless Pace |
Senator Barbara Boxer (D-California) has set a frantic pace for major energy-rationing legislation so she can meet a deadline imposed by the United Nations.Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis
This morning, however, Boxer was far from conciliatory. She indicated that she would hold mark-up hearings tomorrow, with or without a presence from the minority party. At one point, she told the room “There’s no room for bipartisanship on this issue…This isn’t us. This is them.”
While it’s still unclear whether or not Boxer has the political courage to throw Senate decorum out the window in order to meet a deadline imposed by the United Nations, her comments today indicate that she intent on ramming this bill through the EPW Committee, with or without input from the Republicans.
Sea ice extent averaged over October 2009 was 7.50 square kilometers (2.90 square miles). This was 1.79 million square kilometers (691,000 square miles) below the 1979 to 2000 mean for October, but 730,000 square kilometers (282,000 square miles) above the record low for the month, which occurred in October 2007.Merkel calls for strong deal on climate change [hoax]
Merkel cited as clear proof of global warming icebergs that are melting in the Arctic, African people forced to flee their homelands because of drought and the rise in global sea levels.
The chancellor met at the White House with President Barack Obama before her speech to the joint session of Congress; Obama shares her support for a strong international agreement on global warming, although considerable skepticism lingers in Congress.
And, whereas at other times in her speech she received full standing ovations, when she mentioned the climate change deal only part of her audience rose to applaud. Many Republican lawmakers remained seated.
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