Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Roundup: "Markup Spat Could Cost Climate Bill Support" - "She Poisoned the Waters" - Boxer Maneuver Could Jeopardize Efforts - Dust-up "Clearly Rattled Lawmakers"

Jerry E. Pournelle - Current View
One estimate is that 500 nuclear power plants would make America energy independent. I think that is optimistic in that an abundance of electricity doesn't mean we won't need to import oil for transportation needs, but it would certainly take us a long way toward independence. The cost would be in the order of 2 billion per plant (I would think less; that is the first one might be 4 billion, but the 400th would be considerably less than a billion; but call it 2 billion). That is one trillion dollars, comparable to the TARP or stimulus -- and for once a deficit would be financing something real.
Solar Power When the Sun Goes Down? - Green Inc. Blog - NYTimes.com
As many as 17,500 large mirrors – each one 24 feet by 28 feet — will be attached to 12-foot-hight pedestals. The mirrors, called heliostats, will be arrayed in a circle around a 538-foot-tall concrete tower.

Atop the tower will sit a 100-foot-tall receiver filled with 4.4 million gallons of liquid salt. The heliostats will focus the sun on the receiver, heating the salt to 1,050 degrees Fahrenheit. The liquefied salt flows through a steam generating system to drive the turbine and then is returned to the receiver to be heated again.
Al Gore’s Climate [Fraud] Choice - Dot Earth Blog - NYTimes.com
On the policy side, Mr. Gore remains in the all-of-the-above camp, seeking both a tax on carbon dioxide emissions and endorsing, somewhat guardedly, the “ cap and trade” architecture favored by congressional Democrats and many large environmental groups.
[Gore] On the one hand is the global scientific consensus, and on the other — given equal weight – are the crackpot theories of industry-financed deniers.
[Flashback: 82% of Americans fail to buy into Gore's crackpot theories]
In the US 18 per cent of people said global warming was one of their biggest concerns

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"industry financed" ... because industry is always automatically "bad"! Never mind industry is the source of all wealth! Enviros want to see industry dead, then the Chinese take all the environmental "guilt" while we can live "innocently" as 100% pure consumers without doing anything that could potentially change the environment or the climate.