Saturday, June 06, 2009

Michigan Taxes Too Much » Fraud upon Michigan and the poor.
The country, the world, and Michigan is hurting. But its not from Global warming, but rather the blind acceptance of a “green” religion that had no basis in fact.

Now we see if our leadership will “change course.” Will we watch as excuses are made to hold onto unrealistic economy damaging policies that were initiated under this fraud of CO2 as damaging to our planet? Perhaps, but only if we allow them to think we don’t know. All I know is Michigan Winters are still pretty cold.
Alberta, Saskatchewan get snow in June
Ah June, when the long sunny days bring thoughts of swimming holes, tents and — toboggans?

Yes, snow has fallen in southern Alberta and Saskatchewan this weekend.
Isn't this June? Snow sticking around on Pikes Peak
So why is winter sticking around on the peak three weeks past when the snow has usually melted its way into Colorado Springs' faucets?
View From Above: AGW And The Green™ Fallacy
First it was man-made or Anthropogenic Global Warming™ (AGW). But then, when warming apparently peaked in 1998 and global temperatures began to flat-line or even decrease, the term "global-warming" fell out of favor. The new buzzword became Climate Change™. It's hard to say "global-warming" with a straight face when there isn't much of it going on, and when the number of skeptics is increasing daily. Climate Change™ is a much better term because it can mean so many different things to so many different people. It is a deceptive phrase, as it can cover a multitude of scenarios besides global-warming (even though most still use Climate Change™ as a synonym for AGW™). As such, it is not unusual to hear the occasional brave (or "foolhardy") soul suggest that cooling is caused by (or is a part of) Climate Change™.
And Now . . . Carbon Labels - Henry Payne - Planet Gore on National Review Online
California’s Senate has passed a Carbon Labeling Act that will introduce a standardized label establishing a methodology for determining the carbon footprint of every consumer product — that is, the total amount of carbon that went into producing that Twinkie you’re holding. The labels will be voluntary (for now).
Should Climate Models be accepted as Evidence in a Court of Law? « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.
In summary, I would say that a totally impartial judge might well find that climate models are inadmissible as scientific evidence in a court of law under the 5 criteria implicit in the Daubert standard. Of course, it might be difficult to find an impartial judge on the subject of global warming.
BURGER OF TRUTH | Daily Telegraph Tim Blair Blog
You can imagine why a Guardian writer like Hickman is startled by all of this; from his perspective, McNelis (a dual warming and Obama heretic) might as well be telling him that lumber is a drink and ghosts should be entitled to vote.
Climate Change Flying Risk [Will an additional 1 part of CO2 per 10,000 cause your plane to plummet from the sky?]
Are aircraft flying into higher energy storm systems because of the effects of climate change? If so, what can we expect in the future? Most likely, an increase in the number of damaged and perhaps crashed aircraft, although no one can say for certain.
Trevor Williams is a University of Victoria Mechanical Engineering PhD candidate specialising in renewable energy, power grid modelling and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles.
CapitalClimate: Climate Collapse: Fiction Fodder
Post-apocalyptic dystopias have long been a theme of science fiction, and the growing public awareness of global warming has recently been finding expression in fiction. A trilogy (Forty Signs of Rain, Fifty Degrees Below, and Sixty Days and Counting) by Kim Stanley Robinson, completed in 2007, was set in a climate-changed Washington, DC.
Actually, what we're witnessing these days is not climate collapse; it's the collapse of the climate scam.
Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Come Fly With Me
I know he promised his wife that he would take her to a show but if we all have to make sacrifices for the good of the planet, perhaps he should have started with their little jaunt to New York for a date.

But it seems for President Obama that sacrifice is something only other people (poorer people) make.
Ann McElhinney & Phelim McAleer are the producers and directors of the documentary Not Evil Just Wrong - the True Cost of Global Warming Hysteria.
UN teaches child to be warming hypocrite | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Alice Wang will travel to South Korea in August for the United Nations Environment Program Tunza International Children’s Conference.
Warning Signs: Weather Malarkey
I have never been able to figure out why people who know that the forecast for the local weather is likely to be wrong by the afternoon of the same day or within 48 hours still believe that the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change can accurately predict what it will be ten, twenty or fifty years from now.
Virginian Leads Sensible Climate Change [Fraud] Efforts | Richmond Times-Dispatch
Passing far-reaching climate change legislation can be done wisely if we stay focused on avoiding unnecessary costs and remain committed to developing clean energy technologies.
[So what if it's a complete fraud?] If global warming a myth, it has good consequences
If global warming and climate change is a myth, it could be the best myth ever, spurring use of renewable energy and increasing energy efficiency in our homes, businesses and transportation.

We can choose to be mired in the past, digging for opinions that reinforce our world view. Or, we can choose to be an innovative, forward-looking, entrepreneurial people who see opportunities in climate change, mythological or not.
Nature causes global warming: Opinion: The Arizona Republic
Yes, there are some of us doubters out here who haven't drunk Al Gore's Kool-Aid and do look at the scientific facts that, yes, there is global warming, and that it is nature, not man, that is causing it.
Climate Progress » Blog Archive » WattsUpWithThat labels people who advocate putting a price on global warming pollution as “criminal,” the same as “murdering people”
Full-time global warming disinformers, like Swift boat smearer Marc Morano and Anthony Watts, have dedicated their lives to promoting disinformation and delay whose inevitable outcome — if a large fraction of people continue to be suckered by them — is unspeakable misery and/or violence to billions of people.
Lawrence Solomon: Climate insurance - FP Comment
That Greenpeace orchestrated the reinsurers' conversion into public advocates for climate change reform, however, is a delusion. The reinsurance industry, then as now, had an interest in extreme weather events and it knew where its interest lay -- if CO2 did exacerbate climate, the reinsurers would have had a financial incentive to pump more of it into the atmosphere. Whether or not CO2 exacerbates climate catastrophes, the reinsurers have an incentive to make us believe that it does, and with many of us they have succeeded.
tehran times : Mexican president: Climate change becomes new threat
MEXICO CITY (Xinhua) -- Mexican President Felipe Calderon said on Friday that the biggest threat for human beings is climate change, which could lead to damages in Mexico equal to 6 percent of its gross domestic product (GDP).
YouTube - MSc in Carbon Management - fighting global warming
Scotland could become world leader in fighting global warming via the University of Edinburgh Business School's Carbon Management Programme.
YouTube - Why choose the MSc in Carbon Management? - University of Edinburgh Business School
A student of the Business School gives their reasons for choosing this particular MSc programme.
Rasmussen Reports™: The Most Comprehensive Public Opinion Data Anywhere
1* Was it a good idea for the federal government to take ownership of General Motors and provide $30 billion in additional bailout funding?

26% Yes
53% No
22% Not sure

Monckton's latest, from this week's Heartland conference

PDF here.

This is great stuff, but I wish it was easily available in html format, rather than PDF.

If it was in html format, I think it would be more widely read and quoted. Am I wrong?
Update: Romm defends remarks as 'not a threat, but a prediction' -- Strangle Skeptics in Bed! 'An entire generation will soon be ready to strangle you and your kind while you sleep in your beds' | Climate Depot
[Update: Joe Romm has deleted the remarks on June 6, but defends the strangling skeptics in bed comment as "clearly not a threat but a prediction" and claimed "some people misread it." Romm wrote: "The original was clearly not a threat but a prediction -- albeit one that I certainly do not agree with. Since some people misread it, I am editing it." ]
The Illusion and Politics of Necessity — Climate Resistance: Challenging Climate Orthodoxy
The arguments that many activists put forward are effectively a cascade of ‘one follows the other’ assumptions that diminish in their necessity and certainty as they move away from what has been established by climate science, into the increasingly contingent domain of Nth-order effects of Nth-order effects.
Here is the weather ... for July 2080 [Ok, now will you PLEASE cough up those trillions of dollars!?]
Some may question how the Met Office can make predictions a lifetime into the future, when it struggles to produce forecasts for the next few months. However, climate change impacts are predicted to be so strong that, over decades, they are easier to predict than short-term changes.

London is predicted to suffer the worst with a combination of global warming and the so-called urban heat-island effect pushing daytime summer temperatures to stiflingly hot peaks of 41C by 2080, compared with a maximum of 31C now.

Alarmism 101: Bury the key sentence in paragraph nine

Study: Climate change altering lake levels -
The report is the first fruit of a five-year study by the International Joint Commission, a U.S.-Canadian panel that mediates Great Lakes issues and recommends governmental actions. The $15 million International Upper Great Lakes Study is examining whether actions are needed to stabilize water levels in lakes Michigan, Huron and Superior.

Water levels in lakes Michigan and Huron, which are technically one lake, plunged nearly 4 feet between 1998 and 2007, approaching record lows. Wetter, cooler weather in the last 18 months has raised levels back to within 5 inches of their long-term average, but there's no guarantee that will continue indefinitely.
Man. ethanol plant holds off on new-crop contracts
Husky Energy's ethanol plant in western Manitoba is holding off on new-crop feedstock contracts due to uncertainty in the market, according to a Husky source.
Cold weather across the Prairie provinces and dry areas in western Saskatchewan have some people thinking about the possibility of lower crop production this year.
Gore to take another fossil-fueled trip to Australia |
FORMER United States vice-president Al Gore will visit Melbourne next month to launch a new organisation inspired by Repower America — his plan to switch the US economy to clean energy in 10 years.

The new group, Safe Climate Australia, is founded by concerned scientists and business and community leaders and will be launched in partnership with VicSuper, the Victorian Government's preferred super fund.

Mr Gore will address a 1000-seat breakfast next month. Safe Climate Australia will invite the business, engineering, opinion and political leaders it believes can help it produce a clean-energy transition plan to rapidly decarbonise the Australian economy.

One of the group's founding members, Ian Dunlop, a former Shell executive and chair of the Australian Coal Association, told The Sunday Age that Safe Climate Australia was not a new advocacy group, rather an apolitical organisation that wanted to produce a practical plan.
Youth speak out on climate change [fraud] goals |
BROOKE SATCHWELL'S life is a staple of glossy magazines but in her own time the actor has been ploughing through the Garnaut report - the weighty, 600-page tome outlining the economic impact of climate change on Australia.

"I was forewarned it was going to be a very dry read but it's not, actually, it's very interesting," she said.
Brooke Satchwell should also plough through this report: About Climate Change Reconsidered
Climate Change Reconsidered: The 2009 Report of the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) is the most comprehensive objective compilation of science on climate change ever published. It offers a “second opinion” to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), published in 2007. Unlike that report, Climate Change Reconsidered finds global warming is not a crisis, and never was.
Oops: Bob Tisdale's comment gets deleted at Romm's site, then is published as a post at a busier site
There was nothing earth shattering in my comment, no reason for it to be deleted. Here take a look. It simply illustrated cause (El Nino events) and effect (poleward heat redistribution). vs - Traffic Details from Alexa

Lack of global warming hits North Dakota (again)

Snow falls in western ND, in June
BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) Snow has fallen in Dickinson in June, the first time in nearly 60 years the city has seen snow past May.
East-West All-Star Baseball Series canceled | Dickinson, North Dakota
Published June 06 2009
East-West All-Star Baseball Series canceled
The North Dakota East-West All-Star Baseball Series scheduled for Sunday afternoon has been canceled due to snow and cold weather.

Climate realism on a Motley Fool CAPS blog
I hope the President gets behind this and drops the "cow fart tax" aka carbon credit tax scam or global warming garbage.
New Senate ad-hoc committee looks at costs of cap-and-trade tax
Sen. Sylvia Allen, R-Snowflake, will chair a new Arizona Senate ad-hoc committee on climate initiatives to educate the public about cap-and-trade legislation and the cost to citizens and our economy. The first two meetings will be June 8 and June 22.
Twitter / Gene Hawkins
Global Warming is dying more every day. Anyone with any sense realizes it's just a political issue for the power-hungry.
Twitter / [Sorry, you should have sold two years ago]
Anyone interested in this domain name DM me an offer.
Twitter / Gary Baumann
Did anyone else notice how " Global Warming " was brought up at the Memorial service for D Day/. So what's going to be next for these hacks?
[Maybe carbon dioxide didn't cause this particular plane crash?] -
Investigators are looking into whether inconsistent speed measurements could have played a role in the crash. The sensing system includes a part called a Pitot tube, which was what Airbus recommended replacing. The tubes are vulnerable to icing in cold weather, which the plane, flying through severe thunderstorms, could have experienced.
SF Environmental Policy Examiner: Global warming and the media agenda
Lastly, it is very convenient for politicians to talk and even legislate about global warming, because the results will not be apparent during their political careers. Hence, they can receive credit for taking action (any action?), but will never be judged on whether that action was correct or not. It doesn't get much better for politicians. 'My grandchildren will thank your grandchildren' is guaranteed to put a smile on a politician's face.

So when lobbyists, scientists, the media and politicians consistently get rewarded for keeping an issue in the public eye, it's time to drag out one of the best song titles of all time--Dan Hicks and His Hot Licks get the credit for "How Can I Miss You When You Won't Go Away?"
Global warming and a tale of two planets - Telegraph
Kofi Annan claims that global warming is already "killing 300,000 people a year". The situation looks a little different in the real world, says Christopher Booker.
Senate GOP to Ramp Up Cap-and-Trade Pushback - Roll Call
Senate Republicans on Monday are set to intensify their campaign against President Barack Obama’s proposal to cap carbon emissions with a hearing promoting the use of nuclear power.

Three Republicans — Conference Chairman Lamar Alexander (Tenn.) and Sens. John McCain (Ariz.) and Jim Bunning (Ky.) — are slated to participate in the hearing, which was scheduled to coincide with renewed efforts by House Democrats to pass a cap-and-trade energy bill before the July Fourth recess.

Even as Democrats continue work on energy legislation in the Senate, Republicans are hoping to poison the well for cap-and-trade policies long before a final bill has a chance to advance to the floor. Senate Republicans also hope their plan to limit greenhouse gasses by expanding the use of nuclear power will influence the energy debate in the House, possibly derailing the move by Democrats there to pass the cap-and-trade bill.

“Climate change might be the inconvenient problem, but nuclear power is the inconvenient answer,” Alexander said Friday during a telephone interview. “We want a rebirth of industrial America. We want to create jobs.”
We're saved!: More public money blown because of climate fraud
Thomas Borch, assistant professor of environmental soil chemistry in the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences at Colorado State University, has won a Faculty Early Career Development Award from the National Science Foundation. The nearly $500,000, five-year award will support Borch’s research on climate change impacts on the interrelationship between iron cycling and organic carbon.
National Science Foundation: Definition from
The National Science Foundation (NSF), a federal agency that subsidizes scientific research and education, was created in 1950 after several years of debate over the proper organization of national science policy.
Anorak News » Blog Archive » Climate Cops And Green Shirts: The War On Global Warming
HEY kids, wanna play a game of green shirts and baddies?

NPower, the electricity people, want you, the Britisher Jungvolk, to inform on your mums and your dads if they disobey the rules on climate change.

Grab a gas mask, a tin hat and come closer. Baroness Young of Old Scone, head of the Environment Agency, says climate change is “World War Three”. And in zer war you want to be on the side of the good guys, right kidz? We vill take ze moral highground, and victory will be ours.

Attack the non-believer.
Daily Kos: Where are Progressives on Climate Change? [Shouldn't these people do a better job of pretending that this is really about carbon dioxide?]
We have real opportunity here. We have the opportunity to improve our economy, to improve our social equity, to strengthen our social structure if we tackle global warming challenges intelligently. Or, we can reinforce existing inequities, reward polluters again for their pollution, and weaken our odds of successfully turning the tide on Global Warming's rising seas.
Carroll: Carbon cutting pipe dreams - The Denver Post
...there is a growing lobby for micromanaging nearly "every aspect of our lives" in the crusade to reduce carbon output.

That lobby could get away with it, too, unless we begin to inject some reality into the discussion regarding what we should be trying to achieve.
GE's Jeff Immelt Fights Back | seems that GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt, whom one would think has better things to do, was so upset that three shareholders -- Deneen Borelli, Jesse Watters and Tom Borelli -- would ask him questions about the GE-owned networks' liberal bias, trade with Iran and lobbying for cap-and-trade that he ordered retaliation against a news media outlet that reported they had done so.

Specifically, the LA Weekly's Nicki Finke's Deadline Hollywood column is reporting tonight that after Paul Bond of The Hollywood Reporter wrote a story about the three questions and the shareholder's meeting (a story immediately picked up by the Drudge Report), Immelt immediately ordered a GE-wide ban on Nielsen Business Media, which owns The Hollywood Reporter.
Maybe someday he'll figure out that if he cleans up his networks and starts running GE like a capitalist firm instead of as a welfare queen-wannabe, he can get the criticism he hates so much to stop.
American Thinker Blog: NASA's Latest Discovery: Sun Heats the Earth
Could Dr. Hansen’s Reign of Error as head of the Goddard Institute for Space Flight be coming to an end? Or will Robert Calahan get the ax for telling the truth?

Science or ideology? What's it going to be NASA?
Seems odd, since almost all Republicans oppose it: Why Does the Much-Touted Climate Bill Look Like It Was Stolen From the Republican Playbook?
The plain truth is that the cap-and-trade provisions of the bill are ineffectual. They may even be pernicious because they would lock us into a convoluted and largely unworkable Republican-inspired global cap-and-trade architecture and a massive pollution permit giveaway program from which it will become increasingly difficult for us to extricate ourselves in the coming years.

An equally important political truth is that the cap-and-trade provisions are unnecessary. For while the Democrats have begun to embrace anti-regulation, market-based strategies, the evidence is clear that virtually all of the progress we've made in building a clean-energy society has been achieved a result of command-and-control policies.
Most environmental leaders and Democratic Party officials argue that we should support this bill no matter how imperfect because it represents an important, small step forward. Strip it of its cap-and-trade provisions and I would agree. Retain the cap-and-trade provisions and I see it as a giant step backward that may well hobble further progress in federal efforts to combat climate change for years to come.
Hit with McGuinty trifecta: lose, lose, lose - Peterborough Examiner - Ontario, CA
In 2010 we will be hit with new hydro rates by way of smart meters, the harmonized sales tax, and now the carbon emissions cap-and-trade swindle. The effects will be devastating and in fact may force many seniors living on fixed incomes out of their homes.

Is this what we elect governments for? I think not.
Climate fraud converted to more cold cash? - The Denver Post
BOULDER — It's time for an in-your-face approach to reducing greenhouse-gas emissions, the Boulder City Council decided Thursday night.

The council unanimously approved increasing the city's voter-approved carbon tax from its minimum to its maximum level beginning Aug. 6, providing an additional $810,000 annually toward meeting the city's carbon-cutting goals.
As of this posting, a screen shot of the poll at the link above:

YouTube - WEARECHANGE Ottawa Confronts Suzuki and Trudeau about the Man Made Global Warming Hoax
The mainstream media and governments alike will have you belief that all climate scientists are in agreements on man made global warming. My honest research have shown different. I ask should we be voting on this when the science behind climate change is incomplete ?
More overwhelming global warming evidence: Texas spring so incredibly warm that frost only killed 99% of this guy's peach crop
Jun. 6--Hill Country residents looking for home-grown peaches this year may have to change their address to an east Texas ZIP code, or settle for local strawberries, blackberries and vegetables instead.

An early April frost killed the majority of the peach crop this year, leaving farmers and orchard growers scrambling to fill the void left by the devastating freeze.

"We lost 99 percent of our peach crop this year," said Gary Marburger, owner of Marburger Orchard near Fredericksburg. "The peaches we did save are really small, which usually means too much fruit on the tree, but the seeds are dead and they just fell off the tree."
Time for gas tax honesty in B.C.
...The federal government will probably not try the same trick with a carbon tax since the federal Liberal party's carbon tax was overwhelmingly rejected by Canadian voters in the 2008 general election. The proposal was rightfully seen as a tax grab designed to transfer money from consumers to new social engineering programs.

B.C., however, still has a carbon tax , and it will get bigger on July 1. When the B.C. government fell for the consensus rhetoric of the global warming alarmists and introduced the carbon tax on July 1, 2008, people were outraged enough to boost the NDP's popularity over the governing Liberals for the first time in years. The NDP even tried to use the carbon tax as a wedge issue in the 2009 election, but with lower gasoline prices and worries about the economy, it didn't work.
Let's pay $45 trillion allegedly to fight alleged overheating allegedly caused by 4x4s, and let's also buy 4x4s to get through the harsh winters: Rural EMS need to go off-road - Manitoba, CA
Having 4x4 ambulances at their disposal would be beneficial for rural emergency medical services personnel during harsh winter months when roads are blocked, says a local EMS supervisor.
[In an insane attempt to improve the world's weather] Liverpool schools to go meat free once a week
LIVERPOOL schools and businesses could go meat free once a week under radical new plans.

The council is to consider having an official city-wide “meat free day” in a collective bid to protect the environment.
The proposal comes on the back of a three-year Greenpeace study which claims western demand for beef and leather and an increase in cattle ranching is leading to intensified deforestation of the rainforests.

The plan is the brainchild of the council’s former education boss and staunch vegetarian, Cllr Paul Clein.

He told the ECHO: “I believe climate change is one of the biggest challenges we face.

“This is about changing the mindset and showing you can make a difference in the long term.”
The Seven Most Iconic Liberal-Guilt Documentaries :: List of the Day :: Paste
The Lesson: In the granddaddy of these movies, we learn that Al Gore is well versed in PowerPoint, and, oh yeah, we’re destroying the planet. No one will deny the good this movie has done, but man did it seem to enjoy rubbing it in.
Massey Energy CEO encourages cowards
“You have to be competitive,” Blankenship said. “You can’t always take from the rich and give to the poor, or have empathy in your judicial decisions.There are dozens of business people who tell me while they don’t believe in global warming, it is a political reality. They feel if they speak out, they will receive extra scrutiny. They should speak out and say what they think.
Climate change--China's [Alleged] Perspective
...climate change is mainly a consequence of the traditional economic development pattern and extravagant life style.
California summer: Rain, snow and a rescue from cold - Local - The Modesto Bee
Unseasonably wet and cold weather Friday resulted in fender benders, heavy snow and a rescue effort for schoolchildren who got cold on a Tuolumne County hike.

Medics treated four children after they suffered hypothermic symptoms while on a camping trip with their Napa Valley charter school in the Pinecrest Reservoir area, according to the Tuolumne County Sheriff's Department.
The California Highway Patrol is advising drivers to behave "as you would if you were driving in December." Chains are required on Highway 108 east of Strawberry, and the California Department of Transportation closed Tioga Pass on Friday because of snow.
Have it your way: Burger King franchise cites cockroaches and Oz in defense of 'global warming is baloney' signs | Environment |
Me: But "Global Warming is Baloney" is certainly a different sort of message, a more political viewpoint?

McNelis: I would agree that it's a viewpoint, but not necessarily a political one. But we're not sheeple around here, and while Barack Obama would like to have you believe that no one is entitled to have a view other than his, if someone wants to stand up and say "Global Warming is Baloney", then I'm all for it. It doesn't matter to me, whether I believe in it or not. They have first amendment rights to say whatever's on their mind. And nobody dictates otherwise.
Are trace amounts of natural atmospheric gas really Pakistan's biggest problem? | Climate change clouds hover over Pakistan
Greenpeace activists pose next to a Greenpeace balloon to demand a future without nuclear power on World Environment day on June 05, 2009 in the center of Madrid.
The deleterious impacts of this practice had been witnessed in the form of greenhouse effect, global warming and climate change which manifested themselves in excessive flooding, frequent and violent storms, drought, melting glaciers, changes in rainfall pattern, loss of biodiversity, and calamities like tsunamis, hurricanes and earthquakes, [EPD Director-General Dr Shugufta Shahjehan-Pakistan] said.
Twitter / Sean M [Anyone have a link to this column?]
Today's Irish Daily Mail has what is supposed to be a funny column from Shay Healy but which the global warming deniers will love!
Thomas Kostigen [Promotes Climate Fraud at] "Ethics Monitor": The imminent costs of global climate change - MarketWatch
We often hear about the predicted doom -- by 2025, 2050 or 2100. But climate change today can be traced to increased displacement of people, resulting in more refugees, scarcity of food and higher malnutrition rates. There also is increased population concentration, resulting in more disease.
California may take gas-tax funds away from local governments - San Jose Mercury News
"If the governor wanted to lead us out of this financial mess, he would raise the gas tax 10 cents a month for the next year," he said. "He could use this increase to pay down the budget deficit and for road repair. This would reinforce his talk about climate change and reducing our carbon footprint and encourage people to drive less."

That's a hard sell for voters, especially with the state unemployment rate in double digits. Few in the Legislature seem willing to go down that road.
Assistant TO the Regional Manager
Greg Combet became Minister for Defense Personnel, Materiel and Science and Minister Assisting the Minister for Climate Change.
Australian singer takes unnecessary fossil-fueled trip to New York
Her concert tickets have even been made out of recycled paper.

Higgins stopped by The Early Show Saturday Edition's "Second Cup Cafe," to sing "Where I Stood" and "Steer" off of her latest album, "On a Clear Night".
AMBROSE: The environmentalist threat - Washington Times
For all the good environmentalism has done, it is at its far-out fringes not science, not rational, not wise, not beneficent, but a wild-eyed, dishonest, dangerous, modernist superstition that, incredibly enough, has come to have great influence in the corridors of power. A consequence is policies that can lead to unspeakable disaster.

In a democracy, at least this much is required of the people - that they watch this thing very carefully, refuse to be its dupes and speak up in defense of the human good.

Jay Ambrose is former Washington director of editorial policy for Scripps Howard News Service.
Breaking: Animals don't always respond by going extinct every time anything changes: Ancient Mammals Not So Finicky -- Grom 2009 (604): 3 -- ScienceNOW
More than 1 million years ago--as an ice age withered--the world warmed, glaciers shrank, and vast forests gave way to sprawling grasslands. The ancient deer, llamas, and peccaries that had spent thousands of years eating tree leaves had to make a decision: stay and eat the grass or move north with the shifting woodlands. Scientists have long thought that the mammals were too fussy to forgo their favorite food, but new research shows that their palates were surprisingly adaptable. The findings may help researchers understand how animals will respond to climate change in the future.
June 2009 Update on Global (and Regional) Temperature – RSS « Digital Diatribes
...any claims of acceleration in warming are simply false, as can be shown by the fact that ALL trend line measures are declining.
Pelosi’s Psycho Circus Returns to Iowa « Iowa Defense Alliance
n response to Pelosi’s encroachment of Iowa the National Republican Congressional Committee has launched three new ads calling for concerned citizens to contact their representative to urge them to oppose the cap and trade plan developed by Waxman and Markey. The NRCC understands that a cap and trade program would accomplish nothing more than hinder the recovery and growth of the American economy. Below you will find the three videos released by the NRCC. After watching they please contact your local representative. Tell them that you oppose the backdoor tax that the Democrats are trying to squeeze through.
$350 per tonne of hot air | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
I don’t mind a tax on stupidity, but resent the rest of us having to pay for this power, too. Naturally, though, the Greens thinks too much spending on solar panels is not nearly enough.
Recently up on GRL: Cooling admitted
But "within a long-term warming trend", of course. Actually that is pretty right. Temperatures have been rising in a zigzag way ever since the Little Ice Age. But that rise began long before SUVs!
Scott Harper: Global warming? Not so fast, skeptics say at meeting | |
The conference hall also was filled with a tangible air of frustrated defeat, like the brainy kid in math class who thinks he knows all the answers, raises his hand time and again, but is never called upon.
I was there, and I detected no "tangible air of frustrated defeat".

If anything was in the air, it was the sense of inevitable victory.
Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog: A Somewhat Happy Ending to the Latest Death Threat Story...
...first covered in Climate Depot about the global warming believer and blog writer at the prominent liberal blog Talking Points Memo who asked: "at what point do we jail or execute global warming deniers?"

The gentleman appears contrite.
Ashamed of myself - a formal retraction and apology about my extremist global warming post | The Insolent Braggart's Blog
What was truly disgusting though were the right wing vultures who pounced upon the story like it was a piece of rotting flesh (a good analogy for the post). They quote mined the story - picking out only the part about jailing and murdering people who don't agree with you and made sure it looked like Josh himself approved the article.
Anti-global warming theory unfounded | | Press & Sun-Bulletin
It was extremely disappointing that the Press & Sun Bulletin chose to aid the cause of global warming deniers by giving their viewpoint equal time on May 24 in a way that suggests their ideas somehow have equal merit. What's next, equal time for the 9/11 "truthers" or Holocaust deniers?

The theories that global warming is being caused by changes in the sun or by cosmic rays are nonsense and have been disproved thoroughly. If the newspaper really wanted to help global warming skeptics understand the science, perhaps it could allow them to submit their questions and have them answered by someone qualified to address the subject.

Tim LaVassar
Capitalism profits as Australia burns : Socialist Resistance
While bushfires have long been occasional occurrences in rural Australia, it is clear that their frequency and magnitude are being increased by climate change. The extent of the February disaster was conditioned by higher temperatures, extensive drought and strong winds — all products of human-induced warming.
environment rather than threaten profits.

Allen Myers is assistant editor of Direct Action, the monthly newspaper of the Revolutionary Socialist Party
Global Warming Will Wreck Your Business Plan: Lloyd's chief promotes climate fraud
Lloyd’s Chief Executive, Dr Richard Ward, said:

“Climate change will change the way we live and work, and will lead to greater competition for scarce resources, such as food and water. This is likely to result in increased economic nationalism and greater global insecurity, which will in turn add to the complexity and cost of doing business.”
Lots more wealth allegedly needs to be redistributed: Still more "solutions" to fraudulent climate problem
The world cannot effectively address climate change without altering our relationship with soil, the world’s third largest carbon pool, according to a new report.
'Worse Than Fiction' -
Global warming alarmists are fond of invoking the authority of experts against the skepticism of supposedly amateur detractors -- a.k.a. "deniers." So when one of those experts says that a recent report on the effects of climate change is "worse than fiction, it is a lie," the alarmists should, well, be alarmed.
We could go on, except we're worried about the blood pressure of readers who are climate-change true believers. Our only question is, if the case for global warming is so open and shut, why the need for a report as disingenuous as Mr. Annan's?
YouTube - HOME (English with subtitles): Another climate fraud film - Edited by Al Gore!
We are living in exceptional times. Scientists tell us that we have 10 years to change the way we live, avert the depletion of natural resources and the catastrophic evolution of the Earth's climate.
Al Gore issues 24-hour Clarion tweet for ‘Home’
The commentary, narrated by Glenn Close in English and Salma Hayek in Spanish, was edited by 2007 Nobel-prizewinner Al Gore and famed environmentalist Lester Brown.

Friday, June 05, 2009

It's it must be snowing: From sweltering to shivering in just a week, it could only happen in the great British summer | Mail Online
Yesterday, amateur weather watchers in Brampton, Cumbria, were astonished at the unseasonal snow.

'The cloud is beginning to clear over the Pennines and from Penrith lying snow is clearly visible on Cross Fell above about 2,300 feet,' said Adam Woodcock.

'This is very late in the season for snow even on Cross Fell. For it to fall and lie in the early afternoon in June is remarkable. [Via Global Freeze] » Blog Archive » Green & Lean: Austerity in the Age of Obama
Ever noticed how the environmental ‘crises’ and economic ‘crises’ both prey upon the green of it all? The color of greed, jealousy, disease, Federal Reserve notes and trees. The marketing of both manufactured green crises have hinged around selling us on tightening our belts and buckling down for the big one.
COMMON SENSE GLOBAL WARMING by Ronald D. Voisin | Climate Realists
Have you read about the grass-roots polls to ban dihydrogen monoxide (youtube search it for video - it’s hilarious). It’s a substance used in Enhanced Interrogation Techniques. People are just afraid of anything they do not understand. It’s just that simple. And people simply don’t understand CO2. It’s a vital component to the entire biosphere of the planet without which Earth’s entire life-cycle would collapse. But we are coached to think it’s a kind of poison.
An Independent Analysis of Global Warming [Updated June 4, 2009] by Heinz Lycklama, PhD in Nuclear Physics | Climate Realists
I'm issuing my updated "Independent Analysis of Global Warming(GW)"report at for the following reasons

The class of 2009: Bravely facing up to the "looming threat" of slightly warmer weather (although it may cool for a few decades)

Gateway Regional High School in Huntington graduates 79 seniors -
"Our country is struggling economically and we face a looming threat of global warming among many other problems," [the brainwashed valedictorian] said. "But just because the future and the world look frightening and bleak doesn't mean that it will always be like this.

"Don't despair. We can get through tough times."
Inhofe’s plan: Stall climate action until the next president | Grist
Inhofe, best known for calling global warming “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people,” regaled the crowd with his plans to obstruct climate and energy legislation in Congress this year. His pledge? That Republican deniers will “stall that until we get a new president.”
Of course they do: Poor nations need $142 billion per year in climate [swindle cash]
Poor countries will need to be given about 100 billion euros ($142 billion) a year by 2020 to help them cut emissions in the fight against climate change, a draft report for European Union finance ministers shows.
June Snowfall Heads for Cypress Hills
McMurtry says the high elevations in the Cypress Hills of southwestern Saskatchewan could get 10 to 20 centimetres, or 4 to 8 inches, of snow starting Friday night and into Saturday. The Waterton park area of southern Alberta could double that.
Early Friday morning, Regina and Saskatoon were among ten communities that set new record lows. McMurtry says it will remain unseasonably cold for the rest of the weekend.
High temp. a record low? | Winnipeg | News | Winnipeg Sun
Winnipeggers are shivering through a cold spell that will likely lead today to see a record low maximum temperature for this time of year.

The temperature at Richardson International Airport today is forecast to climb no higher than 9 C, and during the noon hour had reached only about 8 C — well short of the previous low maximum of 10.8 C, which was set for this date at that location in 1992.
Gamesa blows hot air - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Our history is full of instances of public longing for a spectacular and wondrous new technology to provide a miraculous solution to a seemingly insurmountable problem. Until a technology is developed to store wind-generated electricity, wind power is just another in a long line of fallacies and false hopes promoted by self-interested businesses and grandstanding politicians jockeying for our tax dollars.

The current wind-power craze is nothing more than needless hysteria and fear created by global-warming alarmists who use scientifically unfounded opinions to further their political agenda, and it is dangerous because they are influencing our government to take drastic actions that will negatively impact all.

Jack Buchan
The Air France crash on “global warming | InvestmentWatch
A member of the UN Climate Change commission yesterday blamed the Air France crash on “global warming”! One of Al Gore’s central theses of “Inconvenient Truth” was that we would be having more and more hurricanes every year since Katrina. What happened? Record lows every year. Being consistently wrong on climate science does nothing to diminish the attention these shysters are given by the mainstream media.

Kostigen is a joke. What kind of pathetic, insulated existence he must have to post the kind of tripe he does day in and day out.

I’ll tell you what “The imminent costs of climate change” are, and how the “impacts now being felt”…

The imminent costs are coming from all the BS regulations, taxes, and restrictions that the IDIOTS with their phony global-warming (now “climate change”, since that term wasn’t working out that well) data have caused! All to collect government money for their politically-lead agenda to scoop up as much cash and control of the clueless as possible!
Climate Change Pros: Male, Well-Paid, Secure -- and Looking for Love | Hugh Byrne on
Like all men of confidence, means and desire throughout the generations, guys in the climate change world are looking for love and making the moves necessary attain it. Here are the Top 10 Climate Change Professional Pickup Lines currently making the rounds in the green drinks circuit...
And when the pickup lines fail, why not just pay cash?: Climate conference sex boom -
Copenhagen’s sex trade did brisk business during the recent business climate conference.
A New Era of 'Climate [Fraud] Thinking' | Green Business | Reuters
Everyone has a role to play in the transformation to a clean energy economy, from entrepreneurs to innovators, regulators, venture capitalists, policymakers and the financial sector, among others, according to Mary Nichols, who heads the California Air Resources Board.

A future greenhouse gas cap-and-trade system that puts a price on carbon dioxide, she said, will create financial incentives for industries and consumers to find creative ways to reduce emissions.

“So obviously companies that can figure out ways to cost-effectively create products that people want to buy, or things that people need, and do it with the lowest overall lifecycle impact on climate are the big winners in this new economy,” Nichols said Thursday during a keynote speech at the West Coast Summit of the Women's Network for a Sustainable Future in Santa Clara, Calif. - Waxman-Markey measure portends devastating results
[Rep. Frank Lucas (R-Okla.), ranking member on the House Committee on Agriculture]  The cap-and-trade part of this bill will essentially create a national energy tax, and it will do more harm to production agriculture, American industry, and our standard of living than it will do any good for the environment. A national energy tax will impact all of us. If you like being warm in the winter, you are going to be affected. If you like being cool in the summer, you are going to be affected. If you own a farm, if you like to eat, if you run a small business or work in one, you are going to be affected. If you want to go anywhere, this bill will affect you.

From higher energy costs to lost jobs to higher food prices, cap-and-trade promises to cap our incomes, our livelihoods, and our standard of living, while it trades away American jobs and opportunities. For this reason, as this bill stands now, I cannot embrace it.

I am not alone. So far, 34 agriculture groups including the American Farm Bureau Federation, American Farmers and Ranchers, National Corn Growers Association, National Chicken Council, and National Turkey Federation have sent letters to members of Congress encouraging them to oppose the Waxman-Markey bill. Meanwhile, no large farm groups have endorsed it.
Fielding's climate mission |
THE fact-finding mission to the US of Family First senator Steve Fielding has culminated in him giving senior White House staff graphs provided by climate change sceptics and asking why he should not believe them.

Senator Fielding emailed graphs that claim the globe had not warmed for a decade to Joseph Aldy, US President Barack Obama's special assistant on energy and the environment, after a meeting on Thursday.
"I now need the science to be resolved," Senator Fielding said. "I would be derelict in my duties and I think I'd be letting down the Australian people if I didn't properly research the issues and relied on one side of the debate."  [Via Australian Climate Madness]
Video: Al Gore's close encounter of the green kind | GORE LIED
Al Gore isn’t interested in magic solutions. After all, the closest thing we’ve got on earth to a magic solution (if one were actually needed) is nuclear. Gore will have no part of nuclear as that would be too simplistic, and would not allow Gore and his merry band of Warmers to take away our individual liberties, and implement new taxes to redistribute wealth.
Climate Progress » Blog Archive » Exclusive: New NSIDC director Serreze explains the “death spiral” of Arctic ice, brushes off the “breathaking ignorance” of blogs like WattsUpWithThat
Serreze: I have yet to lose any sleep over what is talked about in WattsUpWithThat or any other similar blog that insists on arguing from a viewpoint of breathaking ignorance.
Flashback: Check out this 1993 paper--with Mark Serreze's name on it
In particular, we do not observe the large surface warming trends predicted by models; indeed, we detect significant surface cooling trends over the western Arctic Ocean during winter and autumn. This discrepancy suggests that present climate models do not adequately incorporate the physical processes that affect the polar regions.

This all makes complete sense to somebody, am I right?

New Orleans mayor takes fossil-fueled trips to far-flung places to promote fossil-fueled tourism and to warn about the alleged dangers of fossil fuels?
New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin left Friday for China, where he plans to meet with business interested in locating in the city still recovering from Hurricane Katrina.

Nagin will then travel to Australia to speak on climate change at a summit sponsored by the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney.

Last year, Nagin visited China to promote tourism and the port of New Orleans. He also traveled to South Africa and Panama.
Strangle Skeptics in Bed! Romm's Climate Progress features threat to skeptics! 'An entire generation will soon be ready to strangle you and your kind while you sleep in your beds' | Climate Depot
A comment on Joe Romm's Climate Progress blog threatens physical harm to those skeptical of man-made climate fears. The June 5, 2009 comment, posted at 3:01 PM, under the name "Creative Greenius" warns any dissenters from man-made global warming fears that "an entire generation that will soon be ready to strangle you and your kind while you sleep in your beds."
The full post of the Climate Progress comment is reproduced below. Climate Depot has also captured a screen shot of the comments in case they rapidly disappear like the Talking Point Memo article.
Global-warming special nothing but 'speculative drivel' (
[Marc Morano] "It is just sad watching this. They tried to turn a bunch of speculative drivel into a news-style program, which was nothing more than just pure science-fiction fantasy," he contends. "And again, to see the ABC News banner, to see someone like Bob Woodruff -- who had served honorably in Iraq when he got injured -- to see him now reduced to this kind of drivel at ABC news is very sad."
Collide-a-scape » Blog Archive » Collide-a-scape >> Somebody Help Joe Romm
So maybe it’s time for an intervention. By staying silent, all you do is enable him. Don’t any of you righteous environmental bloggers find his tantrums embarrassing? Counter-effective? How does Grist even cross-post some of those classic Romm screeds without feeling slightly queasy? You know he’s not making arguments when he gets so nasty; these are primal screams. You have to help the poor guy if you want him to retain a shred of credibility on climate issues.
Joseph D’Aleo, ICECAP: Romm’s Fairy Tales
Joseph Romm, George Soros’s bulldog at the alarmist climate fantasyland web blog called Climate Progress has a post (h/t Climate Depot) ”NOAA puts out “El Nino Watch, so record temperatures are coming and this will be the hottest decade on record”.
El Nino is coming on very much as it did last year at this time.

But Romm is ignoring it is doing so in a low solar and cool PDO era, with a cooling Atlantic and after a high latitude volcano, all of which project to a cool summer and a cold winter. The cold PSO usually also means a quick and brief El Nino. Years like 1965/66 and 1976/77 had similar conditions...
House farm panel sets hearing on U.S. climate bill | Green Business | Reuters
The Agriculture Committee was to examine the climate bill on Thursday. No date was set to consider possible amendments. Some of the elements of the bill that have drawn rural objections are not within the committee's jurisdiction.
Six farm groups, including wheat, corn and milk producers, say the climate bill should be modified to allow farmers and ranchers to earn money for steps that reduce carbon emissions.
'Global warming is baloney' signs put the heat on Burger King | World news | The Guardian
A row between the fast food giant Burger King and one of its major franchise owners has erupted over roadside signs proclaiming "global warming is baloney".

The franchisee, a Memphis-based company called the Mirabile Investment Corporation (MIC) that owns more than 40 Burger Kings across Tennessee, Arkansas and Mississippi, has described Burger King as acting "kinda like cockroaches" over the controversy. MIC says it does not believe Burger King has the authority to make it take the signs down.
U.S. Energy Secy, UN chief meet on climate [fraud] | Markets | Reuters
WASHINGTON, June 5 (Reuters) - U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu and United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon met on Friday to discuss solutions to global energy problems and climate change.

"The two leaders agreed on the global nature of our energy, climate and economic challenges, and the urgent need for action to address them," the Energy Department said in a statement.
If AGW is the Most Important Issue Ever, why is it listed second among in a list of three issues?
FuturePundit: High Speed Rail Rarely Turns A Profit
Update: Contrary to popular impressions mass transit plays a small role in moving people around Europe. See this page at Figure 1: Motorised Travel (passenger-kms per capita per annum) in 2003 where it compares many European countries for public transport use. Then scroll down in that same document and look at percentage contributions to moving people around in Europe in "Figure 3: Overall mode share of distance travelled (%) in 2003". After all the mass transit subsidies and high taxes on gasoline well over 80% of passenger miles traveled on the ground in Europe still are done by car. The convenience of cars wins out.
"Climate Change Reconsidered" gets slashdotted
"Think the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) settled the debate on climate change once and for all? Perhaps not. The Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) has put together "Climate Change Reconsidered", challenging the IPCC's claims on man-made climate change
Urban Dictionary: slashdotted
Being slashdotted means that a huge influx of Internet traffic has come upon a website as a result of its being mentioned on Slashdot, a technology news and information site.
Illiterate Reports from Multi-Million Dollar EDF |
Take a look at the Environmental Defense Fund’s last two IRS tax returns, Form 990s, available from the nonprofit archiver Guidestar (subscription required). You can see from clips that in fiscal year ending September 2007 (PDF) the group took in more than $85 million in total revenue (with $23.7 million spent on global warming initiatives), and in 2008 (PDF) EDF received almost $123 million in revenue ($34.8 million spent on global warming initiatives).

You’d think with these massive resources that this litigative behemoth could put together a reasonably legible report to the IRS, but you’d be wrong.
5/29/09: Press Conference Call with Senior U.S. Climate Change Officials
Question: Do you really think there will be an agreement in Copenhagen this year?

Special Envoy Stern: It's certainly our intention.

Is 66 square kilometers a relatively large chunk of ice, or not?

1. When trying to convince you that satellite ice measurements are accurate, over 400 times 66 square km is a pretty small amount: Don't sweat it!
The average absolute daily difference between data from F13 and F17 was approximately 28,000 square kilometers (11,000 square miles).
2. When trying to convince you to panic over a chunk of ice breaking loose, just one 66 square km piece is "huge": "Huge ice shelf breaks off in Arctic" : Weather Underground
A huge ice shelf 25% larger than the island of Manhattan broke off of Canada's Arctic coast in 2005, according to a press release issued by researchers at the University of Ottawa's Laboratory for Cryospheric Research. The Ayles Ice Shelf, located on the northern coast of Ellesmere Island, was about 66 square kilometers in area and 100 feet thick.
Stunning Breakthrough in Bovine Emissions Technology to Save Planet From Fiery Hell - Vladimir’s blog - RedState
Are we really supposed to take these “climate scientists” seriously?
Mandelson: politics of climate change [con] must focus on opportunity - 05 Jun 2009 -
The government is due to publish its full Low Carbon Industrial Strategy later this summer outlining the steps it will take to move the UK towards a low-carbon economy.

And Mr Mandelson said the government's skills policy will be adapted in the summer to reflect the growing need for workers with low carbon skills.
Bravo, Pat Anderson » Global Warming Alarmism Exposed
This week, as Governor Pawlenty was making his historic announcement, I was part of a delegation of Minnesotans attending the Third International Conference on Climate Change, sponsored by the Heartland Institute.
Much of the funding for “climate change” will do nothing to help the environment at all, instead going directly to radical environmental groups who will use those resources to create sophisticated propaganda and lobbying campaigns to promote an anti-business, anti-growth agenda. If supporters of the free market do not continue to work to expose the fact the very basis, for the theories of global warming and climate change are in dispute, we will be fighting an uphill battle for our future economic prosperity down the road.
Climate realist Pat Anderson considering running for MN governor
Pawlenty’s announcement leaves a wide open race for Minnesota governor in 2010, and his departure had several potential Republican candidates scrambling for a bit of the media spotlight. Former State Auditor Pat Anderson, who got her start on the same Eagan City Council that launched Pawlenty’s career, indicated she’s considering her own bid.
Highlands County Hosts First Carbon Credit [Scam] Workshop for Florida Agriculturalists
SEBRING, Fla. - (Business Wire) South Central Florida’s Highlands County hosted its first carbon credit workshop on May 28 to explore carbon credit opportunities in this agriculture-rich county and provide information about carbon sequestration, the capture and secure storage of carbon that would otherwise be emitted to or remain in the atmosphere. The event was sponsored by the Highlands County Cooperative Extension Office, a government entity administered by the University of Florida.

The “new currency for dealing with global warming,” a carbon credit is the equivalent of one metric ton of carbon dioxide. This form of trading encompasses prevention or reduction of carbon emissions produced by human activities from reaching the atmosphere and removal of carbon from atmosphere by various means and securing it (sequestration).
One carbon credit pilot program is being offered and managed by the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX), a commodity exchange for greenhouse gases. Customer motivations for purchasing these credits include public relations/branding, corporate responsibility, the anticipation of regulation and investment/resale.

Corporations can reduce carbon emissions, either mandatorily or voluntarily or purchase carbon credits. These credits are today worth between $1.20 - $46.90 each.
Steven Chu Fesses Up: "I AM A NERD."
Chu went on to talk about the threat of climate change and ended his talk with a line that could have been conjured up by an obsessed adult "Star Trek" fan.

"May you prosper and help save our planet," Chu said.
Obama failing |
While global warming has been debunked by thousands of climatologists and the planet is cooling,the ecomarxists intend to legislate cap and trade (tax) predicated on a global warming hoax. This is a monumental tax on 100 percent of our nation. Why would anyone intentionally burden our industry and our people with such imbecilic and catastrophic policy? It's socialism a la Obama.

Dick Witzig
Erie, PA: Temperature dips to record low of 40
Another chilly night has broken a record low temperature in Erie.

The temperature early Thursday dropped to 40 degrees at about 5 a.m., beating the record 41 degrees recorded in 1998, said Marty Mullen, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service.
MP urges huge fines for emissions scheme cheats [note that CO2 emissions schemes themselves are based on fraudulent science] -
SHIPOWNERS who cheat on any future cap and trade requirements to tackle emissions should face huge fines of perhaps hundreds of thousands of pounds, the Conservative MP who heads the influential Environmental Audit Committee has argued.
Inhofe: Tell Environmentalists What I Told Barbara Boxer--'Get over it. Get a life.' | TPMDC
Inhofe was speaking at the Heartland Institute's Third International Conference on Climate Change, where he was a welcomed guest. In that comfortable environment, he let loose a little. "As I've told Barbara Boxer, 'Get over it. Get a Life. You've lost. We've won," Inhofe said to laughter and applause.
Steven Running promotes the greatest scientific fraud ever
MORAN - "It's showtime!" exclaimed Dr. Steven Running, professor of ecology at the University of Montana and member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, as he spoke last month to members of the Yellowstone Business Partnership at Jackson Lake Lodge.
Running shared the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007, as a lead author for the Fourth Assessment of the IPCC, together with Al Gore and 600 fellow scientists around the world.

"Hey, one/six-hundredth of a Nobel Prize isn't bad," he joked.
So why do anything? Because, said Running, to do nothing is to invite world-wide disaster.

Coastal flooding will affect billions of lives, he said, especially in the great coastal cities around the world. Oceans will become acidic, "like the fizz in soda pop," killing shell fish and coral reefs, Running added.

Greater heat energy in the oceans will intensify hurricanes, he said. "The number of hurricanes won't go up, but when they do spawn, the probability of getting a more powerful storm gets bigger," said Running. Weather scientists are now expecting a Category 6 hurricane within a few decades, he said - something the world has never seen before (175 mph or greater winds).
2007: Remember when the IPCC was supposedly composed of "3,000 leading climate scientists"
The UN's IPCC, comprising 3,000 leading climate scientists, is the world's top authority on global warming.

Michigan - Below-normal temperatures prove frustrating for area businesses, gardeners
Ben Bartlett, director of the Michigan State University Extension Office in Cheboygan County, said the chilly temperatures tend to pose bigger issues for vegetable and hay crops than for corn and small grains.

“There has actually been some frost damage to some hayfields,” he said.
Apparent nutcase Jim Motavalli weighs in: Meat: The Slavery Of Our Time : NPR, June 5, 2009 · I have a prediction: Sooner than you might think, this will be a vegetarian world. Future generations will find the idea of eating meat both morally absurd and logistically impossible.
The environmental impact is also crystal clear — and similarly appalling. "Livestock's Long Shadow," a 2006 report by the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organzation (FAO), found that livestock is a major player in climate change, accounting for 18 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions (measured in carbon dioxide equivalents), or more than the entire global transportation system.

The obvious solution to both health and environmental disasters is to stop eating meat altogether.
In the way that slavery, once a broad social norm, later became an unthinkable crime, we can expect to see a similar shift once meat-eating disappears from our planet.
climate crisis genesis: PLAY ALONG...OR DIE...
That's pretty much what they're sayin' when ya get right down to it.

I want to go on the record in favor of Sir Richard and Algore being charged with Crimes Against Humanity in the name of Self-Promotion.

Every death related to The Anthropogenic Hot Air Crisis...whether from extreme stress over all the doubt, eventual starvation due to panicked hording by the wealthy, or actual gunshot murder in the ensuing their fault!

Don't you agree that blindsiding the populace with their carefully calculated, Branson generated media blitz of purposeful lies is inexcuseable?
Rice farmers want more subsidies for spring cold weather damage - The China Post
Hundreds of angry rice farmers from eastern Taiwan stormed the Council of Agriculture (COA) office in Taipei yesterday, demanding that the COA raise subsidies for their poor harvests.
On World Environment Day, more barking madness from the UN head
WELLINGTON - The United Nations urged the world on Thursday to kick the habit of producing carbon dioxide, saying everyone must act to fight climate change.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon said global warming was becoming the era's defining issue and would hurt rich and poor.

"Our world is in the grip of a dangerous carbon habit," Ban said in a statement on World Environment Day, which is being marked by events around the globe and hosted by the New Zealand city of Wellington.

"Addiction is a terrible thing. It consumes and controls us, makes us deny important truths and blinds us to the consequences of our actions," he said in the speech to reinforce this year's World Environment Day theme of "CO2 Kick the Habit."
BBC - Climate Change: The Blog of Bloom claims a really long life for atmospheric CO2
...basically because there's much less methane and it has a shorter life in the atmosphere - roughly 8.5 years to CO2's roughly 100 years.
A different estimate: CO2 ACQUITTAL (Rocket Scientist's Journal)
[The residence time of CO2 is easily calculated from IPCC (Consensus) data. It is about 1.5 years to 2.0 years, depending on whether you include the leaf water uptake reported by the IPCC (Consensus).

Maybe she should try promoting climate fraud even more vigorously

Gallup: Pelosi less popular than Cheney
According to a May 29-31 Gallup Poll, 37% of Americans have a favorable view of Cheney and 34% have a favorable view of Pelosi.
May 21, 2009: Pelosi Graduation Remarks at Johns Hopkins University Commencement
I believe that the greatest challenge of our day is the global climate crisis and have made it the flagship issue of my Speakership.
Needed statement from Grist to West Virginians: Instead of calling you illiterate drunks, we should have called you literate non-drunks
So, West Virginia actually has fewer Level 1 residents than the national average. And take a look at Alaska's number. Go Governor Palin!

New motto for West Virginia: Our adult literacy rates are higher than writers at Grist!
Power Line - [New Book]: Climate Change Reconsidered
If you want to inform yourself about the global warming debate, there is no better place to begin.
Don J. Easterbrook » Forum Archive » OUT, Global Warming - IN, Global Cooling
Global warming (i.e, the warming since 1977) is over. The minute increase of anthropogenic CO2 in the atmosphere (0.008%) was not the cause of the warming—it was a continuation of natural cycles that occurred over the past 500 years.
Christian Science Monitor discovers the global warming debate?: Pro and con views on the global warming debate |
Always-interesting Yale Environment 360 was especially intriguing this week, featuring an opinion piece by Oberlin College professor David Orr. It’s titled “Learning to Live With Climate Change Will Not be Enough.” Balancing it is a Q&A interview with eminent physicist Freeman Dyson of Princeton University, whom they call “a reluctant global warming skeptic.”
March '09: Obama's shaky trust in science | The Monitor's Editorial Board |
If Obama wants to be consistent in letting science lead his policies, he should not let the politics in Washington stand in the way of saving the planet.
[Climate Fraud Promotion By The] National Wildlife Federation: Turn the Heat Up on Congress. Keep it Cool for Wildlife.
Tell your representative in Congress that you want to safeguard wildlife from global warming. Your member of Congress is waiting to hear from you on this important issue. Click here to tell them - you care about wildlife, and want to put a halt to global warming by passing the American Clean Energy and Security Act.

There's no greater threat to our precious wildlife than that posed by global warming.
March '09: Maine’s Deer Harvest Dismal. Harsh Winter To Blame But What About Predation? : Black Bear Blog
AUGUSTA, Maine – The winter of 2008 was one of the worst winters for Maine’s deer population across the state. Preliminary harvest numbers of 21,062 deer represent a 27% decrease in harvest from 2007 and the lowest deer harvest since the beginning of the any-deer permit system in 1986.

The long winter, with record-setting snow packs, created extremely difficult conditions for deer, with deer yarded up on average for over 140 days statewide compared to the normal 84 days, according to Lee Kantar, deer and moose biologist for the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. During those additional 56 days resulted in extremely low overwinter survival rates for fawns, and left adult does in poor condition prior to fawning season. The poor condition of the adult does likely resulted in a high rate of mortality for the fawns born in 2008. This was evident in the dramatic decline in the fawn harvest (45%) as part of the total antlerless harvest. Fawns were just not available during the fall hunting season.
Eugene Robinson - [A Believer On] Carbon Capture and Storage -
Is this really a good idea? Is this the legacy we want to leave to future generations -- thousands of sites, labeled "off-limits," where we've deposited the harmful residue of our toxic addiction to fossil fuels?
The Four Seasons of Titan: Weather & Climate Change on Saturn's Largest Moon (VIDEO)
"Titan's clouds don't move with the seasons exactly as we expected," said Sebastien Rodriguez of the University of Paris Diderot, in collaboration with Cassini visual and infrared mapping spectrometer team members at the University of Nantes, France. "We see lots of clouds during the summer in the southern hemisphere, and this summer weather seems to last into the early fall. It looks like Indian summer on Earth, even if the mechanisms are radically different on Titan from those on Earth. Titan may then experience a warmer and wetter early autumn than forecasted by the models."
But if it's warmer on Titan than the models predict, can't we just conclude that humans must have caused the additional warming?
The Reference Frame: Green bubble popping
If you search for global warming at Google News, you will obtain 16,500 articles from the last 30 days. That's an amazing drop from the peak that occurred a year ago or so (or two years?) when the corresponding number was well above 50,000.
Obamanomics: Green jobs = Pay cuts « Green Hell Blog
The Left still lambasts the trickle-down theory behind Reaganomics. Meanwhile, the green jobs theory behind Obamanomics is turning out to be more akin to a nose-dive for worker wages.
Obama buddy Al Gore will possibly make more than a billion dollars from his “green job” — that is, investing in, and lobbying for cap-and-trade — but not everyone will be so fortunate.
Obama: No global climate deal without China « Green Hell Blog
Does it mean that President Obama is looking for a way out of shackling the U.S. economy to the Son of the Kyoto Protocol which will be negotiated in Copenhagen this December?

Or is President Obama preparing us for his surrender of our money to Chinese extortion?
Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr. Research Group News » Comment On Joe Romm’s Weblog On El Niño and Global Warming
He ignores that since 2003, global warming (the accumulation of Joules) has stopped. An objective scientist [as opposed to a "clever (but cynical) analyst"] would report this scientific observation.

He would find more appreciation and respect for his viewpoints if he properly presented the actual observational finding, and discussed its implications as to where we are with respect to the accumulation of Joules over time.
Congressional Democrats try to push an ambitious [climate fraud] agenda before recess - Lisa Lerer -
Democrats say the public is thirsting for major reform, pointing to polling they say shows voters backing health care reform and legislative action on global warming. As one Democratic aide put it, Obama didn’t win by advocating for “the audacity of baby steps.”

But at least a few Democratic members are unhappy with the pace Nancy Pelosi is setting in the House.

The speaker said earlier this week that she wants all committee work on the climate change bill done by June 19. Asked whether he’d picked that deadline, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles Rangel said, “Hell no.”
New "Jelly Pump" Rewrites Carbon Cycle | The Resilient Earth
That is the way science works, new discoveries are made every day and what we thought we knew yesterday doesn't look so certain today. Every generation of scientists has its own long held, but erroneous theories to correct: Ptolemy's model of the solar system, fixed continents, any number of theories regarding the nature of matter, all have been accepted dogma and eventually discarded. New research is constantly changing the ideas that buttressed anthropogenic global warming, eroding its foundations like the tide excavates sand around a piling. How much longer before we move on to a more correct view of Earth's climate system? Look around, the change is happening right now.
I wonder if all of these groups are completely pure of heart, completely without any financial or political motivations? -
The Center for Public Integrity said its review of Senate disclosure records showed that more than 880 businesses and interest groups have registered to lobby on climate change in the first quarter of 2009 -- up more than 14 percent over the same time last year.
Dr Roy's Thoughts: Henry Waxman [video]
Henry Waxman of the Waxman Markey Cap and Tax Bill is being interviewed by ,a very sympathetic obamessiah disciple, Tavis Smiley. Listen to his understanding of global warming. It's pretty funny. Waxman says the north pole is evaporating. That's the consensus? Dr Fred Singer pointed out this out at the Climate Realist conference.
How much fossil fuel is consumed in heating and cooling this place?: Capitol Visitor Center Hallway Flooded Briefly After Storm Drain Breaks -
A broken storm drain flooded a hallway inside the new $621 million visitor center at the Capitol late yesterday, officials said.
The Capitol Visitor Center, which opened in December, is underneath the East Plaza of the Capitol grounds between Constitution and Independence avenues. The center includes a great hall, a cafe, gift shop and a TV studio for senators. At almost 580,000 square feet, the building is about three-quarters the size of the Capitol itself.
Hmm: Are you suggesting that the design wasn't sufficiently intelligent?: Enough of the half-measures
The planet and more importantly, all life on it has had 120m years to adapt to the 3 degree cooling which has occurred since then and we have adapted well. However, a rise of 3 degrees in less than 100 years would have catastrophic consequences for most plant and animal species on the planet who are designed to adapt to changes in geological timeframes, not generational ones.