Monday, February 15, 2010

Lake Erie could freeze over entirely for first time in years
Frozen water tames lake effect, shipping
A Lesson for Incumbents - Edward John Craig - Planet Gore on National Review Online
Note the implication: A vote for cap-and-trade is a big electoral disadvantage. So as long as you don't want to be re-elected, go on ahead and vote for the Obama Energy Tax.
There is No Frakking "Scientific Consensus" on Global Warming: A Bogus 21-Year-Old Climate Prediction
In 1995, six years after McKibben's book appeared, the world stopped warming - even though we did none of things he said were absolutely necessary to avoid disaster. This means his prediction was wholly and utterly B - O - G - U - S.
DC Post Runs With Climategate; NY Times Still in Tank - Walter Russell Mead's Blog - The American Interest
I am not sure how long the reputation of a great newspaper can withstand the consequences of this kind of news judgment; the steady (and to me, painful and unwelcome) erosion of the Times‘ influence and prestige is unlikely to end until its pages regain the reputation as the first, best place to learn about the vital events of the day. At some point, the Times will simply have to break down and let its readers in on the Climategate story. When that happens, it will be interesting to see how it explains why it chose not to inform its readers, many of whom care passionately about this issue, of a series of vital developments unfolding one after the other on a matter of great concern. Was the newspaper so blinded by entrenched bias and assumptions that it was simply unable to see what was news? Or did pro-environmentalist staffers actively work to block the paper’s ability to cover a major news story because they didn’t think publication would benefit an agenda they held was of enormous global importance?
Independent Climate Change Email Inquiry is certainly not independent | CLIMATEGATE
The Independent Climate Change Email Inquiry gives links to:

The Royal Society
The Met Office
BBC Weather

All of the above sites strongly endorse Anthropogenic Global Warming

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