Monday, February 15, 2010

Now IPCC hurricane data is questioned • The Register
More trouble looms for the IPCC. The body may need to revise statements made in its Fourth Assessment Report on hurricanes and global warming. A statistical analysis of the raw data shows that the claims that global hurricane activity has increased cannot be supported.
Adrian MacNair: So maybe I'm not nuts after all - Full Comment
More then a few people mocked me for characterizing Climategate as “the biggest story of the 21st Century” when I appeared on CBC Television in December to talk about it. Or to put it more precisely, it was the biggest story not being talked about.

Nobody wanted to admit that a conspiracy theory that attracted the support of bucktoothed rednecks in the nether regions of the United States could possibly have any merit whatsoever. The idea of the world’s foremost climate scientists exaggerating the claims of imminent global catastrophe in order to nudge spending into environmentalist causes sent convulsive shivers down the quivering spines of the CBC network brass.
Climategate Investigation Whitewash: Third Panel Member Exposed As Warmist
Both cases come as little surprise, given that the head of the "investigation", Muir Russell, is a member of one of the most vehemently pro man-made global warming advocacy organizations in Europe.

While absurdly billing himself as impartial and unconnected to climate science, Russell is intimately involved with The Royal Society of Edinburgh.
A Coincidence? « Climate Audit
Forget the idea that Boulton might do the honorable thing and resign. He’s the one that’s running this wretched inquiry, not the hapless Muir Russell.
Thank you, Young Americans for Freedom, for your Penn State demonstration | CLIMATEGATE
Almost 100 students, residents and community leaders were in attendance, and the group says this was, by far, the biggest demonstration of conservative activism on campus this year.

Go by their website and take a look at their photos and information, and give them some encouraging words. They are holding their next meeting on February 25, so if you are in the area you should go and show your support.

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