Thursday, April 08, 2010

Complete insanity from left-wing journalist Eric Alterman

Global Warming: You Don’t Need a Weatherman
Of course, some of this is just stupidity. The New York Times recently profiled a group of meteorologists who have no particular expertise in climatology playing the role of climate deniers to the general public as a means—it would appear—of retribution toward climatologists because of all those fancy degrees real scientists have. Meteorologists have only bachelor's degrees, while climatologists have doctorates and lab experience and the like and tend to look down on their little brothers and sisters.
The cost [of CO2-induced apocalypse], both in money and human misery, would be staggering. And the likelihood of the world facing this situation is much higher than for any military scenario for which we spend trillions on our respective establishments to protect us. And yet, in so much of the media, all of this is somehow treated as a joke. Unfortunately, when these effects finally arrive, the joke will be on all of us.
Eric Alterman
Eric Alterman is a distinguished professor of English, Brooklyn College, City University of New York, and professor of journalism at the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism.

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