NC Media Watch: You bet your bippy - Prop 23 is making Wasington nervous!
It is clear the EPA and the Washington Elite are getting nervous that California is going to reject AB32, but voting for Proposition 23. This will eliminate the opportunity for CARB to collect billions of fees from California business and in reality from the citizen of this state.C3: August Is Hot Month For Climate "Science" Smackdowns: Mann Methodolgy Discredited; IPCC Process Fails Credibility Review
It's fairly obvious at this point that if climate science is to regain the public's trust, these two individuals need to be removed from the public face of climate science as soon as possible.C3: Does The Atlantic Ocean Current Drive Major Climate Change? Hawaiian Glacier (Hawaii?) Provides Confirmation
this glacier ice's retreat and surging during the end of the glaciation age left clues that natural Atlantic Ocean current oscillations were the primary factor affecting the tropical Pacific - not the trace gas CO2.Why failure of climate summit would herald global catastrophe: 3.5° - Climate Change, Environment - The Independent
The world is heading for the next major climate change conference in Cancun later this year on course for global warming of up to 3.5C in the coming century, a series of scientific analyses suggest. The failure of last December's UN climate summit in Copenhagen means that cuts in carbon emissions pledged by the international community will not be enough to keep the anticipated warming within safe limits.
If there are no further breakdowns, it is possible that the meeting may at least restore faith in the UN climate process. "Nobody thinks Cancun will be a big-bang moment," said Keith Allott, head of climate change for the World Wide Fund for Nature. "What the world needs to do is put some wheels back on the climate truck."
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