Thursday, September 02, 2010

Enviros embrace James Lee « Green Hell Blog
While Lee clearly popped his cork, there are apparently others out there whose corks are under similar pressure — and it probably doesn’t help that Grist writers and other eco-wackos (like Al Gore) have been urging such actions as civil disobedience (Lee had earlier tried and failed with nonviolent protest), criminal trespass and war crimes trials for fossil fuel industry executives. Let’s not forget the terrorist activities of groups like Earth Liberation Front.

Grist and the rest of the radical green movement may try to distance themselves from Lee, but wasn’t he really just someone who took the greens’ anti-people gloom-and-doomism at face value and acted on it?
Peak beak or chill bill? It's a climate thing
THE hotter the climate, the larger the beak on the local birds, according to researchers who have studied more than 200 species around the world - from tropical toucans to Antarctic penguins.
[Found: Another issue that's just as important as The Most Important Issue of All Time]
THE impact of screen culture on the human brain merits the same public debate and funding for research as climate change, says one of the world's most eminent neuroscientists.

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