Monday, June 13, 2011

ClimateSmart reeks of 'scam'
Honesty. Climate change may or may not be happening but not even the California Public Utilities Commission can prove warming or cooling.

Does this make the ClimateSmart Program a gigantic scam to get money out of California taxpayers?

John Lanigan
The American Spectator : Brain-Dead Economy
the more serious point here is that if there is one thing that we don't need any more of, it is "partnering" between government and business. We already have far too much of that -- with much more of it on the way if the Obama administration gets its way with cap and trade, dramatically increased public spending high-speed rail, solar energy and other forms of alternative energy, and other plans for nanny-state masterminding the nation's affairs from Washington, D.C.

What Obama & Co. are really talking about is creating a brain-dead economy -- one that no longer effectively collects or sends signals to and from any of the many regions in the body. In a free market system, no one "orders" growth to occur. It is the spontaneous, almost accidental result of voluntary exchange. It comes about as a result of countless individuals who seek to meet their own needs by meeting the needs of others.

This is why centrally planned economies always fail.

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