Friday, September 21, 2012

Glacier Retreat Prompts Vatican Approval of New Alpine Ice Prayer -
In 1818, the farmers who ranged cattle on the steep mountainsides above Brig, a small town in southern Switzerland, organized a religious procession to deter a looming catastrophe. They marched from the church up a steep valley to the Aletsch, the largest glacier in the Alps. The 16-mile-long river of ice, 3,000 feet deep at its center, was fed by the endless snows falling on the two-mile-high ramparts of the Aletschhorn, Jungfrau, Munch, and adjacent peaks. Through more than a century of unusually cold weather, [If more than a century of unusually cold weather can be natural, how do we know that a few decades of warm weather isn't natural?] glaciers throughout Europe had been advancing steadily, and now the great, grinding mass of the Aletsch was uprooting a forest and threatening to overwhelm the farmers’ summer cottages and cow pastures.
Meteorologist Joe D'Aleo: 'We hear a constant hyping of new low arctic ice record & ignoring of the simultaneous increase of Antarctic ice which appears heading towards a near new record high' | Climate Depot
'If CO2 warming was the climate driver for the polar ice, both the Antarctic an arctic would be diminishing...The last arctic minimum in 2007 coincided with the southern hemisphere record high...Arctic ice is not unprecedented or unexpected. The arctic temperatures and arctic ice extent varies in a very predictable 60-70 year cycle'
Twitter / ClimateReality: .@AlGore will be making a big ...
.@AlGore will be making a big announcement at the Social Good Summit. Be sure to watch at 2:45pm ET on Sunday! #SGSGlobal
The Coldest Journey on Earth -
It is such an extreme undertaking that certain technology had to be invented for this expedition. For instance, a Finning (U.K.) Caterpillar track-type tractor has been adapted so the team members can move across the continent. In doing so, they will endure the coldest temperatures on earth — below minus 80 degrees Celsius (minus 112 degrees Fahrenheit), with wind chill below minus 100 degrees Celsius (minus 148 degrees Fahrenheit) — as well as more than three months of darkness.

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