Monday, October 01, 2012

Who is Scared of Warmth and Moisture? | Watts Up With That?
Why do we need carbon taxes and ration cards to protect us from a warm moist climate with more luxuriant plant life?

The whole climate scam is just a smoke screen to hide the UN inspired grab for more taxes and more power.
Die Klimazwiebel: Halfway point
the Guardian today picks up on the story and reminds us that we have reached "halfway point": we have only 50 months left from the original 100 (let's leave aside the arithmetic and starting points for such calculations). Various commentators make their point about possibilities for action (community engagement, entrepreneurship, personal behaviour change, active eco-state, etc). Major political players are absent. Is this a sign that this variant of catastrophism has moved into the margins of discursive space?
Twitter / UN_ClimateTalks: Twitter feed projected on large ...
Twitter feed projected on large screen at Cape Town long-term finance workshop - your voices are being heard!
I've altered my twitterfeed so that hashtag #LTFchat is added when each of my posts here is tweeted.  I hope my voice is heard!

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