Sunday, September 22, 2013

It's come to this: "The heat is still coming in, but it appears to have gone into the deep ocean and, frustratingly, we do not have the instruments to measure there"

Climate change: IPCC cites global temperature rise over last century | Environment | The Observer
"The heat is still coming in, but it appears to have gone into the deep ocean and, frustratingly, we do not have the instruments to measure there," said Professor Ted Shepherd of Reading University. "Global warming has certainly not gone away."  [Via GWPF]


Katabasis said...

I just don't even...

Anonymous said...

Which came first?

The SuperPower to detect heat thousands of miles away, and miles deep in the ocean is AMAZING.

So, do climate scientists have to have that superpower to be hired, or is it something they learn after becoming a climate scientist?

Don said...


townie said...

The heat is hidden in the crocks of sh*t they're all selling...