Sunday, January 29, 2006

Ivory-bill cartoons in Birding magazine

Earlier this month, I received my Jan/Feb 2006 copy of the American Birding Association Magazine "Birding". Considering that the Ivory-bill "rediscovery" was one of the biggest birding stories of all time, I think it's notable that the bird is hardly mentioned in the entire issue.

There is an interesting humorous article on pages 72 and 73, complete with a couple of cartoons. Author Ron Knaus, a retired physicist, proposes a new elementary wave particle called the "Suank" ("Knaus" spelled backwards) to explain why we can't get a decent look at an Ivory-bill. These particles are beamed out of the eye, through your binoculars to the Ivory-bills, who happen to possess an uncanny ability to maneuver and avoid Suank Wave-particles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the Ivorybill hiding behind a tree holding its wing out imitating the profile of a black lab