Thursday, September 14, 2006

Fading euphoria on the USFWS Ivory-bill site

The USFWS Ivory-bill updates here tell a tale of fading euphoria.

At first, these updates were labeled "weekly", and then "bi-weekly". As of today, exactly one update has been published in the last 51 weeks.


Anonymous said...

Well, at least the "occasional updates", as they are now called, are visually appealing. I just love the pic of the guy being interviewed while wearing a ghillie suit! Actually, I'd bet that this pattern of initial excitement followed by "fading euphoria" is probably fairly typical of most exciting new discoveries. Take cold fusion, for instance.

Anonymous said...

Well, maybe. But I don't think that at this stage of the Cold Fusion debacle that the federal government's official position was that Cold Fusion did, indeed, exist. As the feds do still now for the IBWO.

And poor Mr. Andrew and other good fed. employees have to go out and give talks about subjects they only half-heartedly still believe in.

What has the CLO wrought?