Saturday, October 14, 2006

Trailer for "A Lost Bird Found"

1. Check out the trailer for "A Lost Bird Found" here.

Dennis Widner, manager of the Cache River NWR, makes a key point--a lot of the hunters and traditional users of the area are closet birders; they carry a camera because they want to get that million dollar shot.

This underscores a point suggested earlier--last fall in particular, hunters represented a truly massive unofficial "search effort" in Arkansas, and their complete failure to capture the "million dollar shot" speaks volumes.


Anonymous said...

Tom, that no pictures exist taken by some unamed and unknown number of hunters that carry some type of unknown camera is hardly a key premiss leading to your conclusion of the non-existance of the IBWO.

The only firm data point that I know of is a hunter, Kulivan who claims to have seen a pair of IBWOs and had a camera. He didn't get a picture.

Something is very wrong with your key conclusion if this is the only firm data point we both have to this point.

tks Fred

Anonymous said...

Tom, that no pictures exist taken by some unamed and unknown number of hunters that carry some type of unknown camera is hardly a key premiss leading to your conclusion of the non-existance of the IBWO.

Surely this is parody.

Anonymous said...

Kulivan had a camera, but it was in his backpack, and he couldn't get to it without alarming the birds.

Anonymous said...

"Kulivan had a camera, but it was in his backpack, and he couldn't get to it without alarming the birds."

Now THAT is either parody, satire, or irony. But probably just plain stupid.

So the birds are perched there eyeing Kulivan. Waiting for him to make a move for the backpack. Yep, just daring him to go for it. Big razor sharp ivory beaks glistening in the sun. Who's the fastest draw in the swamp?