Monday, December 24, 2007

Was Bali a victory for common sense?


Excerpt from the linked article:
Contrary to the focus of much of the media on Canada and the U.S. “backing down” at the Bali conference on climate change, the real story may be quite the opposite. Opposition halted only after the conference agreed not to state specific emission reductions as targets for the year 2020. This was the big sticking point.
At Bali you had the hypocritical sight of 190 countries meeting to decide on targets that only 38 of those countries committed themselves to meet. Oddly enough, those 38 represented most of the liberal west. So in that Pacific paradise you had the egregious site of some 150 polluting states dictating new terms of submission to the few who had agreed to do anything about it. Could anyone blame Canada and the U.S. for wanting to get a level playing field and have every country sign on without the excuse that India and China use that it would interfere with their economic growth?

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