Saturday, January 12, 2008

"Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow"

This "South Park" episode provides some richly-deserved mocking of global warming alarmism.

The scientists in town, called in to examine the phenomenon, decide (based on no evidence) that the disaster is the result of global warming, which will hit two days before the day after tomorrow... the present day. "The end of the world will come Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow... good God thats...TODAY!!!"

The declaration of the scientists causes mass hysteria, and everybody runs from the "global warming," crowding in the South Park community center, believing that global warming is causing an ice age outside that would kill them if they left. A reporter reports that 600 billion people have died in Chicago alone (even though the world population was just under 6.5 billion at the time). Stan, after admitting to Kyle that he was the cause of the Beaverton flood, leaves with him and Cartman to rescue the people by boat. The attempt is a disaster in itself: they wind up crashing into an oil refinery, compounding the problems of the stranded people who now must deal with drowning and fire. Randy, Gerald and Stephen brave the supposed ice age to find their sons, dressed in multiple coats despite the fact that the sun is out (they end up collapsing in the street due to hyperthermia, which they think is hypothermia)...

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