Thursday, March 13, 2008

New Gallup poll: Americans resoundingly reject Gore's alarmism


Despite all the hoopla about global warming, it ranks below eight other environmental concerns and is even losing ground on the list of environmental issues, according to a new Gallup poll released today.
Update: A related Phil Stott post is here.

1 comment:

Martie said...

Well, I think this line of thinking is a bit off the mark. OK folks might now rank "global warming" as a major concern. They might not understand it. However, I found it encouraging that they were worried about the air and the habitat and the toxic chemicals that we are decimating the planet with.

And really, if the climate change leaders were smart, they would use this "clean water" worry to help people understand that if our climate changes we may not ever have any water at all, clean or dirty.

The idea of global warming is a hard concept to grasp for people who have only heard the political bantering that has taken place. I think it is more of a rejection of the idea because they don't want to argue about it.

So don't despair...