Friday, June 13, 2008

Nice paragraph from Scienceblogs

Effect Measure : Why the Right Wing attacks science
And in some areas, like climate change, the attack on the science is failing. The major flack for environmental skepticism in the US Senate, Oklahoma's knuckle dragging Far Right homophobic crazy James Imhofe, sat silently in the debate. His arguments now endanger the credibility of the opposition and the Republican leadership chose to fight on economic grounds first, and ultimately, via a filibuster, since the bill looked like it was headed for passage.


papertiger said...

It's my habit, when you post a link to a pack of climate change baboons, back slapping each other over how "scientific" their religious beliefs are, to go in and crash their party with a rhetorical wrecking ball.
When I do this, there are three general recuring themes which are the most effective.
1] The ozone hole depletion scam.
2] The acid rain scam (due to you - I had no idea this was a trumped up eco scam until you showed it as such a few days ago).
3] The global warming scam.

The basic problems with global warming I have a grasp of, and at any rate it is easy to find supporting material if my memory fails.
The other two themes don't have as many resources for me to draw upon, they aren't broad enough topics to merit their own theme specific blogs, the main salient points when they appear are in the comment sections of tangentally related posts, and the good stuff is usually shuffled down the blog memory hole after a few days.

I'm wondering if it would be too much trouble for you to create a hotlinked category for acid rain and ozone hole?
Because it would please me greatly to have a ready rejoiner for people such as Revere, when they claim we knuckle dragging homophobes are "assaulting" environmental science.

It occures to me, that if we had anything like the scale and level of organisation on the right, that Revere and his readers believe we have, I wouldn't have to ask for a repository of historical eco terrorist boogaboos.

Tom said...

I'm wondering if it would be too much trouble for you to create a hotlinked category for acid rain and ozone hole?

Realistically, I'm unlikely to get that done anytime soon.

However, if someone would like to put together their favorite few links on each of those topics, I'd be happy to post them...