Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Culross: "the very models that predict future catastrophe show that man-made global warming is not occurring." | Opinion | Letter: Warming argument lacks proof — Baton Rouge, LA
But if you must believe, then believe this. Models predict that the unique signature of man-made global warming is amplified atmospheric heat-up, most pronounced in the tropics, about two to three times the heating rate of ground directly below. Actual measurements show atmospheric and land heating rates to be similar, consistent with natural warming. In other words, the very models that predict future catastrophe show that man-made global warming is not occurring.

Recent analysis of IPCC methodology reveals misuse of basic physics principles overestimating projected warming by 500 percent to 2000 percent. Recent “climate sensitivity” measurement, a technical term for the rate that Earth sheds energy, is much lower than assumed, leading to a limit of 0.5° Celsius warming by 2100, whether warming is man-made or not. However, a shift to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation cold phase suggests 20-30 years of cooling ahead. There is much more.

Return to climate sanity requires the media to kick a crisis addiction, scientists to seek truth ahead of fat grants, politicians to put service over messiahship and their tax reflex, energy initiatives to stop using man-made global warming to rationalize their otherwise legitimate positions, and a public willing to dig past agendas (apologies to sincere man-made global warming believers).

There is no proof that man-made carbon dioxide causes additional warming, or that carbon-dioxide reduction would reduce warming. Problem mitigation and conservation are the right approach.

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