Friday, September 05, 2008

Dutch and Belgian top fruit weathers frost
Frost damage during the April blossoming period has dampened prospects for Dutch and Belgian pears this season. As both countries forecast downturns in apple and pear volumes, Doris Lee Butterworth catches up with marketers and asks what this will mean for exports. - Ex-defence minister to run against Baird
Pratt also accused Baird of failing in his job as environment minister, saying the world now looks upon the Canadian government as climate-change skeptics.

"I think that is probably his most monumental failure," he said.
Legislators embrace global warming skeptic for advice on Utah environment.
Lomborg—an argumentative Danish economist and frequent American talk-show guest, draws emotional responses from all corners. He founded the Copenhagen Consensus Center, an arm of the Copenhagen Business School that identifies and works to solve the world’s great health and economic challenges. He has said that as a world priority, global warming should rank at the bottom of the list, while AIDS prevention should be at the top.
For about $300,000, Lomborg will bring a cadre of top economists—some Nobel Prize winners—to Utah to review all the information available and participate in a two-day seminar hosted by the chamber and the University of Utah’s Hinckley Institute of Politics. Legislative leaders of both parties have approved, expecting the process to be completed by December.

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