Friday, September 26, 2008

EPA Fascism versus America: There Is No "Consensus" Among Scientists (4 of 7) by John Lewis and Paul Saunders -- Capitalism Magazine
Comment Number Three: There Is No “Consensus” Among Scientists

We oppose these measures on scientific grounds, because the assertions of a man-made global warming crisis are opposed by some of the best scientific minds in the world. There is no "consensus" among scientists that man-made global warming is a crisis requiring government intervention.

The most accomplished, senior, and expert scientists in climatology and related fields have gone on record to state that human action is NOT changing the climate. Many of them have paid a professional price for their candor. Their voices are unacknowledged in the press, and have carried almost no weight in the political deliberations.

Claims by the advocates of man-made global warming that a scientific “consensus” exists are false. These claims reveal the dishonesty of the advocates of man-made global warming and reveal their political motivations. If they refuse to admit that their own colleagues who do not agree with them even exist, why should we accept that they are accurate in their scientific conclusions?

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