Saturday, October 25, 2008

Don't believe in climate change? You still need a carbon tax
...remember that every vote against carbon taxes is a vote for Hugo Chavez; every voice raised against subsidies for alternative energy is a voice raised in favour of Iranian theocrats; and every driver who demands cheap gas is a "useful idiot" of Vladimir Putin and the House of Saud.
GORE LIED - Al Gore lied about anthropogenic global warming
This is hard to take seriously. I mean, I believe that this is the only message Gore hears from people all over the world, but that's only because he lives in a self-imposed cocoon of leftist ideology. He has put up a fence around his entire life.

Al Gore will not allow the media to attend his slide shows. He will not debate the issue of anthropogenic global warming with a skeptic. He will not put himself in any public situation where there is anyone around him who might ask a simple (yet hard) question, such as: If CO2 emissions drive temperature why have the globally averaged temperatures gone down for the past ten years while CO2 emissions are still going straight up? Al Gore lives his life surrounded by people who tell him he his 100% correct, that he is a great man on a righteous quest, and those same people make sure that nobody that is not just like them gets anywhere near Al Gore.

Gore could wake up on any day, look in the mirror and say: "The debate is not over. For the sake of honest science, let's debate the issues." Except he won't.

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