Saturday, October 04, 2008

Evidence missing
None of the five leaders in the debate can show a single piece of evidence of any global warming over the last 10 years because there simply wasn't any global warming, (the Earth has been cooling for at least the last six years). Yet all of these leaders seem willing to commit large amounts of money to stop global warming.

All of the leaders, and the NDP and Green Party in particular, promote themselves as champions of the people, especially the poor, but global warming advocacy only enhances the fortunes of these parties at the expense of the poor. This is demonstrated by the world food crisis caused by biofuel initiatives of the Kyoto accord that have food crops being replaced by the more lucrative fuel crops, resulting in escalating food prices and starvation.

Norm Kalmanovitch, Calgary
Anyone for a nice energy-efficient bus trip to Malta?
With the EU tightening on airline emissions and public opinion likely to grow more critical of air travel, expect people to start travelling shorter distances, thus ruling out those who so far have not minded a three or four hour flight to Malta from say the north of England or Ireland.

As an island in the middle of the Mediterranean there is little for us to gain if European outbound tourists opt for bus, ferry and train means of transport instead of air travel.

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