Sunday, October 26, 2008

Tas fruit and canola crops hit by frost - 27/10/2008
Some orchardists have lost up to 40 per cent of their fruit, and there are fears of extensive damage to canola crops, after a severe frost hit Tasmania.

The full impact of last week's untimely cold snap is still being assessed, but some canola growers are now preparing for a third straight year of failed crops.
ridealotwv: Global Warming Inc...
This is a swindle if ever I saw one and looking at the smarmy self-righteous Al Gore being showered with Nobel Prizes and Oscars is practically all the proof I need that something is rotten in Denmark (and Greenland.)

But there is far, far more proof than that.
Australia idiots: CO2 to cause food poisoning, depression, and domestic violence
FEARS that climate change will damage the health of Victorians have prompted a major investigation by the state's health officials.

Amid warnings that climate change could lead to more cases of heat-related illness, mosquito-borne viruses, food poisoning and depression around the world, Victoria's Department of Human Services has confirmed it has commissioned its own investigation into the extent to which Victorians might be affected.
The authors said weather extremes could encourage criminal behaviour, including increased domestic violence and a rise in other anti-social behaviour that could increase after disasters.

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