Monday, October 27, 2008

Washington: Cold spring, summer stunts apple production in Whatcom County
As the apple season wraps up in Whatcom County, some local orchardists are having to cope with lower yields caused by a cold spring and summer.
"It boils down to heat units," he said. "It was probably the coldest year in terms of heat units that we've experienced in the Northwest."
The great green electricity con
...we are usually subsidising the power companies to do what they are required by law to do already. Worse, despite us paying through our green noses, they still can't meet their targets. Then they rub our noses in it by selling what "green electricity" they do produce over and over again.
This is all within the law, of course. But that is because the government's green laws are a mess. In many cases, buying green electricity is not so much greenwash as a full-scale green con.
An electricity supplier that has access to, say, two gigawatt (GW) hours of renewable electricity, can sell 4GW-hours labelled as renewable, says Graham. "Renewable electricity is often being sold twice, perhaps more. Double counting is enormous."

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