Thursday, November 20, 2008

Global Shamming: Forecasters: It's cold now but will be warm later
Forecasters said the same thing about last year's record cold winter (i.e., it was only going to be briefly cold--ahem, WRONG!).
NBC's Curry Climbs 'Poster-Child' for Climate Change
Why were those scientists “uneasy?” Because despite its status as an “icon of global warming,” climate scientists like Philip Mote say Kilimanjaro’s melt hasn’t been caused by greenhouse gases “from cars, power plants and factories.”

“Kilimanjaro is a grossly overused mis-example of the effects of climate change,” Mote told the Seattle Times. Mote co-authored an article in the July/August 2007 edition of “American Scientist” magazine and is not exactly a global warming skeptic. He told the newspaper global warming is the cause of glacial melting around the world – just not Kilimanjaro.

According to Doughton’s article, the ice loss on the Tanzanian glacier “seems to be driven by two factors: a lack of snowfall and sublimation.”
2004: The Consensus on Kilimanjaro is Wrong: John McCain was fooled
[McCain:] “If I might quote the punch line from an old joke, ‘You can believe me or
your lyin' eyes
“These are facts. These are facts that cannot be refuted by any scientist or
any union or any special interest that is weighing in more heavily on this
issue than any issue since we got into campaign finance reform. Look at
Mount Kilimanjaro. That picture was taken in 1993. That picture was
taken in February of the year 2000. [Pictures showing decline of ice atop
Mt. Kilimanjaro].

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