Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Stupid Headline of the Day: "Oceans Ten Times More Acidic Than Thought"
First of all, the ocean is not ten times more acidic than previously thought. We had a pretty good idea how acidic the ocean was because, like, we measured it. That's the dumbest thing I've heard all day (and I work with lawyers, so you know this shit's pretty dumb). It doesn't even pass the smell test. Really? The giant frikin' ocean out there is ten times more acidic than we ever were able to measure before?

So what's happening here? The process of acidification near Tatoosh Island is occurring ten times more quickly than the scientists' models called for. This may be an issue of off-the-chart atmospheric carbon in the vicinity (cue the Global Warming hysteria) or a really shitty model based on almost no data.

Take a wild guess.
James Hansen’s Letter to Obama | Hennessy's View
Since no one else will listen to his lies, half-science, and hysteria, the old man of GISS wrote a long letter to the president-elect.

Luckily for the rational world, Richard Courtney (pdf) excoriated Hansen for the letter and for Hansen’s continued crusade to end freedom as we know it. Courtney’s summary of Hansen’s conclusion may go down in annuls of the AGW debate as a masterpiece:
That “conclusion” may be correct if it were based on evidence and reasoned argument, but – as explained above – it is not. This “conclusion” follows from a presentation of misrepresentations, falsehoods, suppositions, and scaremongering assertions. It is not a “conclusion” but is a construct of fabrication.

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