Saturday, December 13, 2008

Australian Climate Madness: trumpets "Poznan agreement" ...
... when in fact it's anything but. It's basically a wish-list of issues to be negotiated during 2009, and an unwritten edict to everyone involved to keep their fingers, legs, toes and anything else handy firmly crossed for Copenhagen next year.
And why should those "big advances" suddenly be made next year, when the issues involved are exactly the same as in Poznan? Wishful thinking.
Problems in the NH Sea Ice Anomaly « The Air Vent
Something is wrong with their graphs for certain. There are several obvious things going on but as an example the NSIDC data shows a clear uptrend in extent for 1985 to 1988 yet the cryosphere graph is showing a downtrend. I don’t know what is going on but once again in AGW, the data as presented has some caveats.
Al's Journal : Speech in Poznan transcript - chock full of fraud
...And as you know, the warming ocean waters are also causing stronger typhoons and cyclones and hurricanes. Typhoon Saomai was the strongest to hit China in more than 50 years, two of the three strongest histories in history hit south Asia within the last 3 years, one of them killing 20,000 people in Myanmar. We have had such strong storms in North America as well, and in South America where Brazil had the first hurricane in recorded history. Massive flooding has resulted at record rates on every continent. Last year more than a dozen countries in Africa suffered the consequences of such flooding. Last year Mexico had record flooding. We have seen comparable events in Europe and throughout the world. Heat waves continue. Two winters ago was the hottest winter in the history of recorded atmospheric measurements. 20 of the 21 hottest years in recorded history have occurred in the last 25 years. The university of Tel Aviv recently published a new study predicting that with each 1 degree increase in temperature there is a 10 percent increase in lightning, along with man-made causes, we are now seeing record fires as dryer soils and dryer vegetation leads to spreading fires in Greece, for example last year and in many other countries as well. The extinction crisis is tearing at the fabric of the web of life, and the scientific consensus that we must take action was strengthened by the IPCC yet again earlier this year. So the science is clear, and we are faced with a sharp contrast between two notional rates of change, first, the rate at which we are approaching a point of no return in terms of systems collapse, and second, the slower rate at which we have been addressing the problem of how to reduce the emissions that are causing this crisis.
Mahatma Gandhi, one of the most inspirational leaders in the history of the world said halfway through the last century that the most powerful force in global politics is what he called "satyagraha" which I am told translates into my language roughly as "truth force". The reason why you have been able to continue moving forward is because you understand the truth about the crisis that we face.
HadCrut dropped 0.051C in November. | The Blackboard
HadCrut is the first surface based group to report temperature anomalies for November. They say the temperature dropped [0.051C] in November.

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