Sunday, December 14, 2008

Historic Winter Storm | Hennessy's View [see the post for links]
The massive storm brewing out west will plunge Los Angeles into the 30s, threatening all-time record lows for that city. Seattle is looking at highs in the mid-20s for the week ahead. That’s cold. Amazingly, the Ottawa Weather Center predicted this blast last week (here and here).

Meanwhile, to the east and north or Southern California, blizzards will extend from New Mexico to Minneapolis. The cold and snow is forecast to continue for the next 48-72 hours, striking St. Louis and Chicago Sunday evening through Tuesday.

This weather comes from Siberia where daily highs have been -80 F for the past few days. Apparently, there’s not much CO2 in Russia.

Meanwhile, the AGW freaks insist that Congress take over the auto industry to save the planet. I assume they want to save the planet from another ice age. [Via Twitter]
Al Gore Loses His Mind . . . again | Hennessy's View
Jenn Q Public asked if I’d heard that Al Gore–the man Don Imus described as Evil Incarnate–told a German audience that the North Pole will cease to exist in 5 years. He held up his hand, fingers splayed, to avoid any possible confusion.
If he’s wrong, let’s sue him. Here’s how. We’ll set up a PayPal account to raise money to build a Jet Ski resort in Barrow, Alaska. The big bucks will to R&D of the lighting system to allow people to Jet Ski during months with zero sunlight.

If there’s ice in January, that will seriously hurt business. Since we based our business on a guarantee from Gore, he’ll be liable for our loses. We’ll sue him, not only for our lost investment, for 20 years of revenue.

Of course, if Al Gore is not a liar and a fraud, he could always sue me.

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