Sunday, December 14, 2008

Nigel Lawson: Climate change summits like Poznan and Brussels will cost us the earth - Telegraph
Short of a breakthrough in non-carbon energy, the only affordable response to fears of global warming is to adapt to the consequences, argues a former chancellor.
"Global warming hypocrites - K Rudd and Bligh take separate private planes to Windorah for solar power opening"
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's plane has broken down in Windorah in outback Queensland, where he made a solar power announcement earlier today.

Mr Rudd was forced to hitch a ride to Brisbane on the Queensland Government jet with Premier Anna Bligh.

Some of his staff were left behind in Windorah. [Via Twitter]
AFP: Disdain for Bush, hope for Obama on climate change
POZNAN, Poland (AFP) — George W. Bush's last hurrah in the global climate arena has met with a welling of disdain contrasting with the outsized expectations for his successor, Barack Obama.

At the UN climate talks in Poznan, no farewell tears were shed for Bush, whose rejection of the landmark Kyoto Protocol in 2001 almost destroyed multilateral efforts to roll back global warming.

"I don't know how to put this," top climate economist Nicholas Stern said mischievously at a dinner for businessmen and environmentalists, where he commented on Obama's election.

"Relative to his prehistoric predecessor, it is something which we should celebrate," he said, provoking loud cheers as he raised a wine glass to make a toast.

"Goodbye, George!", he called out, amid cries of "Hear! Hear!"
"This climate conference will go down in history as the retirement party for the Flat Earth Society of the United States of America," said Edward Markey, who chairs a panel on energy independence and climate change in the House of Representatives.

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