Friday, January 30, 2009

EarthTalk: How to stay warm and solvent this winter |
Whether global warming is somehow to blame or not, much of the United States is getting walloped this winter. Earlier this month, the Seattle area had its most significant and lingering snowfall – and lower-than-average winter temperatures – in decades. Even Los Angeles is getting a taste of winter, with several days topping out at the freezing mark on the thermometer. Other parts of the country more used to challenging winter weather have been getting an extra dose of wind, snow, and ice this year as well.
Burying Crop Residues at Sea May Help Reduce Global Warming
Imagine a massive international effort to combat global warming by reducing carbon dioxide - build up in the atmosphere.

It involves gathering billions of tons of cornstalks, wheat straw, and other crop residue from farm fields, bailing it, shipping the material to seaports, and then burying it in the deep ocean.
GOP refusing to back Obama's stimulus plan
GOP leaders said one of their primary concerns is that large chunks of the stimulus package are being allotted to "pork" projects that will do nothing to create jobs.

As examples, they've cited funding for arts groups and global climate change studies.

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